No ones had ever survived to a night in the maze

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After that incident, Alby took the decision to banished Ben. This choice broke Minho but he knew that it was the best thing to do.

So when the time had come, everyone was to the maze doors waiting for Minho to arrives with Ben. Thomas was just behind Alby and Newt who, with all of the others were carrying perches.

They finally arrived. Ben was begging Minho to don't do such a thing. Thomas could see that Minho's eyes were filled with tears.

Alby gave the signal to Minho to cut off Ben's bandages to let him go when he cut them off, suddenly Ben stood up and grabbed Minho and put his arm under his neck ready to strangle him.

Everyone was looked at him worried about what he could do to him.

Ben: If I'm going in the maze to die, my bestie will come with me! Huh Minho???

Minho looked at Newt and Alby trying to keep his calm.

He nodded

Alby: Ben please calm down! You know that anyone had never survive a night in the maze. So don't drag him with you.

Newt:We are about to loose you. We can't risk to loose anyone else so please Ben let him go. You have been bitten, you know that you can't stay with us anymore, you will become a bloody crank do you understand that? We have to protect ourselves from the virus.

Chuck just slowly arrived close to Thomas. Thomas, who was attentively watching the scene decided to do something. He couldn't do anything. He knows the maze more than anyone else. He knows the grivers, that's him who put them there.

A loud sound disturbed the gladers. This sound was the sound of the doors who began to close. Ben had been distracted for a second and loose the eye contact with them a second to look at the doors.

So Thomas took his courage and started to run, pushing Newt and Alby to be able to join Minho. Newt tried to grab him but he wasn't fast enough. So he quickly arrived to them and pushed Minho out of Ben's way. Minho was safe now.

But Ben decided to grabbed Thomas at the last minute and dragged him with him in the maze just as the doors were closing. Thomas could heard Newt's and Minho's voice who were trying to call him on the other side of the wall. But nothing answered them.

Thomas was in the maze. It was way much bigger that he had imagined. He was in his creation. He created this. He did this to them.


"Oh no Tom!! What did you do!"

Teresa was looking at the scene by the many cameras. She couldn't believe it. Thomas was trapped in his maze. Could he survive this?

Ava suddenly came in the room.

Her: Teresa I think we have a big problem

Teresa nodded

Teresa: Oh yes we do!

Ava looked at her concerned

Her: I'm afraid we are going to send you up there much sooner than we expected.

Teresa: When?

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