Chapter Five

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Hope you are enjoying the story so far. Don't be afraid to comment and let me know how you feel about Elena's character so far.


for those who have read before and read the last chapter before I updated it, Jacob is now named Cassian. Deal with it, thanks. He is still the same goofy character, just under a different name. This is because I now know a Jacob, and I would appreciate my characters to be different, if that makes sense.

If there is anywhere before this chapter where it says JACOB please let me know and I will change that asap!

If there is anywhere before this chapter where it says JACOB please let me know and I will change that asap!

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You were there for me when I was falling apart

and I let you down and left a mark on your heart

I'll never let go again

I'll never let go again

You've got healing hands

You've got healing hands

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Chapter Five - Sorry is Just a Word

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Chapter Five - Sorry is Just a Word

Blake's POV

I watched as my little mate flew past me like a breath of air, her appealing scent wafting towards me as she sprinted with twice the amount of energy I believe my little mate had. My mouth was agape at the sight as I stood there, un-moving with sheer surprise.

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