Chapter 9: A dream to remember

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   We all ate dinner peacefully together and got to know each other. The twin's names were Vivi and Finn. They talked about there home in the Netherlands and the life they lived. It was really interesting to meet people from a different country. The mood felt welcoming. Between the light chattering and Aries' soft music, everything just felt like a normal camp out. Elwin even seemed to be enjoying himself.

Sadly the conversation had to come to an end. Kyla and Chase both told us to get rest. Vivi and Finn insisted they'll stay behind and put out the fire. They even insisted we eat breakfast with them.

Somehow in that span of time, I had forgotten I had even burned down an abandoned building, and faked our deaths. Elwin seems to have forgotten about it too. He wasn't timid at all, but laughing with delight. We parted ways and soon I was at my home. I walk inside and crash on the couch. It's comfortable and warm. It wasn't long before I was asleep.

"Anne!" I head a woman call. "Mom?" I whisper. Everything is black, but then there she was. My mother looking frantically for me.

"Anne, come back please. Where are you?" Mother cried dropping to my knees. "Mom, I'm right here, mom," I called running to her. I reach for her shoulder, but she disappears before I can comfort her. Her sobs still remained.

"You're falling behind sweet child." A different woman spoke to me. A shiver was sent down my spine. A woman of void-black and galaxy stared at me.

"Who are you?" I growled at her. "I'm Andromeda. Surely Aries has talked about me." She responded. "Are you really here?" I quivered. "Only in your dreams. I don't know where you are, but I can talk to you like this." The galaxy explained. I clenched a fist and said, "What am I falling behind in?" She cocked her head folded her arms. "Collecting the arrow of Sagittarius," Andromeda said in 'you should know' tone.

"Anne." I hear my mom whisper. My hands begin to shake.

"How can I fall behind?" I growl at Andromeda. "Ha," Andromeda laughed, "my sistering galaxies can only hold my away from you all for so long. The only reason I haven't destroyed anything is because of them, and also not to mention I can't destroy your world completely because I don't have all the weapons of the star signs. Damned Sagittarius fired her arrows on your planet."

"How long do we have?" my voice cracked. "Hmm, let's see... a week and a half." she cackled. "That short of time?" I nearly fell over. "Yes dear." She cooed grabbing my shoulders.

"Anne..." my mother called again. My skin crawled with anxiety. Andromeda's hands were burning my shoulder. Faintly in the back of my head, I heard mother calling to me.

"You stand no chance against someone like me. Just give up and watch the world burn." Andromeda whispered in my ear. No, no... no, she isn't really here. Go away. Wake up... wake up, Anne. I thought to myself over and over.

"Watch the world burn you, weak human." Andromeda's words echoed in my ear. "NO!" I screamed, "I won't. As long as I live you won't touch my planet." Andromeda let go off my shoulders and burst into light.

"Anne, it's just me." Aries said standing back defensively. I blinked a couple times and saw I was in the living area of my home. "Aries... what happened?" I felt my head get lighter. Aries relaxed his stance and kneeled next to the couch. "You were dreaming of Andromeda." Aries said with no expression.

"Is she okay?" Kyla's voice sniffed from the end of the couch. She was standing there holding her cheek. I must have hit her by accident. Kyla is much like a kitten, so I feel really bad.

"You should probably join the others for breakfast." Aries tried to distract us from the events that unfolded. I couldn't speak so I just ended up nodding. Kyla must not have been that upset because as soon as I got up she held my hand. I half-ass a smile and walk out into the woods to the same eating place we were at last night.

The sky was no different from last night. Light enough to see but dark enough to see the stars. Seeing the stars made me worry about Andromeda, so I just gazed at the ground. 

Anne Morris and the Zodiac's:  Arrows of the CentarWhere stories live. Discover now