~Chapter 49~

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~Your point of view~

I opened my eyes and i saw  a wooden ceiling which seemed strange because the last thing i remembered was Arthur carrying me, unless we were in his ship but why would we leave when My kingdom is in ashes and piles of blocks? I stood up only to find my arms tied up together behind me. I looked around this was now strange, I wasn't in a familiar ship that was for sure so where was i? I stood up and looked around i headed toward the door only to be hit in the head hard by the door slamming at me. I fell but first and groaned in pain, "Aiyah i'm sorry are you alright i didn't know if you were awake or not or that you would be behind the door." said a familiar voice but not what i wanted to hear at the moment. I opened my eyes as i was being helped to stand up, i wasn't surprised to find Yao. He smiled apologetically and backed up a bight, "Where am i and where's Charles?" i asked. he sat me down and brought up a chair that was in a wooden desk to the left of me, right in front of me and sat down. "Your in my ship and charles is in your kingdom." he said. "Where's arthur?" i asked. He looked at me sympathetically while brushing his bangs back. He sighed and looked at my eyes seriously "We'll Arthur said we can have you as long as he can have a clean history to start all over, He gave you away for his selfish needs not even saying goodbye or anything." he said. I was confused, Arthur wouldn't do that. Would he? I was becoming suspicious about this man, First he was probably the one who put something in my tea why else would i have passed out, second i just met him and he destroyed my kingdom and even went as far as to kidnapped a small child just to get us to meet him. I tilted my head, "Are you sure?" i asked with a tone of sadness, Two can play this game if i wanted to get somewhere i had to follow his rules until i get what i wanted, i was worried for charles and my brother. He looked at me and nodded in disappointment, "I guess his love wasn't as strong as i thought if he just plans to throw you out like a piece of trash." he said. I wanted to slap him because he didn't know what he was saying hes just lucky my hands were tied up. "Why are my hands tied up? This isn't how you treat a lady." i said innocently, He looked at me as if debating on whether to let me go or not. "You promise you won't escape?" he asked. ' Not right now' thought "I promise." i said crossing my fingers behind me. He sighed and let me go, i rubbed my wrist they were slightly bruised but nothing to serious. He looked at me and gave me a smile, "We're going to china my empire." he said cheerfully. I nodded still not making any eye contact, "Why do you want me anyway?" i asked actually curious to know why he wanted me. " Well you are a very well and respected pirate, with you on my side i can be able to have my enemies bow before me Arthur is also a well respected pirate but he wouldn't want to come by will and i didn't really want any trouble." he said calmly first of all he already has trouble in his hands from technically kidnapping me, This man was a power luster. "What's so great about having so much power if your just going to be cold hearted, with all that power your going to push the people you hold close away and then what will you do all by yourself?" i asked he thought for a moment, "I can have all that power losing people won't be a big deal." he said calmly, "Are you sure you want this, the people you are close with will become more distant leaving you to solve your own problems you'll have all that power but what for if you lose friends and all that power will turn your heart numb until the only thing you hear is the wind passing by in your throne, you won't be happy." i said he stood up, "You can't tell me what to do woman you have all that power and your telling me i can't have the same thing?"he asked a little angered. I stood up as well "I didn't ask for it, I got it for doing what i do best by helping people treat others the way you will like to be treated." i said walking towards the door. I opened the door and glanced back at him. "The best gift a person can get is friendship, don't say i didn't warn you." i said walking out and shutting the door. I took in the fresh smell of the ocean and admired the colors of the evening sky splattered across the sky making the ocean look like a blue diamond.  I went near the edge and sat down for a while, I was going to help this man get the power he so desires because i know the consequences of this, He will be the one regretting it i'm just helping him see how important his friends are. The men were at their stuff cleaning chatting or just in their rooms. i stayed outside and watched the sky bring up the night diamonds and the bright half moon. Yao left the room we were  in minutes after me, not making eye contact. I went back into the room and laid down, i felt isolated and trapped. I curled up and closed my eyes. I couldn't sleep i felt anxious, after hours of trying to sleep i went outside, By looking up it was probably midnight. I sat down near the edge again and looked up. 

~ Yao's point of view~

I couldn't sleep after what (y/n) told me. Her words kept repeating through my head, i stood up and decided to see if the moon would help me go to sleep. As i opened the door the first thing i saw was her. She was looking at the moon while sitting near the edge, what was so special about her that makes men fall for her, even Leon told me he had a slight crush on her when he met her. I only fell in love once but after that i wasn't planning on being fooled twice, That's why a want power i want to show my enemies that i can be strong i also want to show them that i'm the one with the shots around and that they can't say otherwise. I peaked and watch her she looked stressed and worried. I closed the door quietly and slowly fell to sit down while leaning on the door, i closed my eyes as those words she said kept popping up. suddenly i was brought back to earth by a soft and quiet voice singing, it was good singing, i peeked again and saw her singing.

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