Chapter 2: Warriors of their own Accord

Start from the beginning

- Alyssa's POV -

Me: "Can you arse tell me again why are we at Harrowgate, Janna, and why do you have to bring the Knights of the Embers with us? It's not like we're being attacked, or anything." I ask the idiot of a friend of mine beside me as we enter the gates of Harrowgate, with the gatekeepers opening them for us.

My name is Alyssa Tigris. Warden for a long time now, alongside Janna Goldfire. Janna is the founder and leader of the Knights of the Embers under the Blackstone Legion. I, of all the other Blackstone enforcers, was chosen to be an alliance representative for an order being led by my former classmate.

What are the odds?

Anyways, Janna was very vague when she suggested that we should go to Harrrowgate. It goes along the lines of 'to see a friend' and 'an exercise'. I have no idea what I am getting myself into. Janna is, while intelligent, can be reckless sometimes (which sort of scares me more than the Vikings themselves).

Janna: "It's fiiiine. It's not like I brought the entirety of my Knights. We only brought a small force with us numbering of, how many again, Sir Laelius?" She asks the Captain with us, more properly as the senior officer of Janna's Knights.

Sir Laelius: "We have forty men with us, Commander. Not including the three of us." He replies to her.

Janna: "See?" She says to me while batting her eyes in a suggestive manner, which I roll my eyes at. "Besides, we're here to have a simulation with the elites of the 'Lightshield Cohort', see if we learn a thing or two from them."

Me: "What about the 'meeting a friend' part?" I asks her for the umpteenth time.

Janna: "Well, let's just say that (Y/n) (L/n) is the commander of the Lightshield Cohort." She answers me after a brief moment of silence.

Now that surprised me. I didn't expect him to be the actual commander of the famed unit. If I remember correctly, he is one of Lord Cross' best Knights, so I knew he does have a degree of authority. Just not like this.

Me: "He is?" I ask Janna, which she snickers at.

Janna: "Pfft! Don't tell me you don't know! His name alongside his men are almost always the highlight of the battles they fought in! Or so the stories go."

Me: "Are you sure about this? Knowing you, you're probably making up things... again." I say to her bluntly.

Janna: "Aww, come on, Alyssa Tigris. You, a Blackstone Knight, out of the two of us should know that!"

Me: "I spend most of my time with you and away from the Legion, Janna Goldfire. There's not much I can do about news from them."

Janna: "Point taken. Anyways," She says before averting her gaze in front of us where we se two Blackstone Captains heading towards our way as they converse. "Let's find the commander of the Cohort then, shall we?" She asks me, though she did not wait for an answer and went towards the Captains.

I follow her alongside Laelius to make sure that she doesn't do anything stupid or something. Once we came into earshot range, she starts her babbling.

Wait a second...

Me: "Janna, I swear-!"

Janna: "Hey there, Knights~! How's life doing today~?" She asks the two Captains in a suggestive/flirty tone.

Me: "By the heavens, she's doing it again." I say to myself as I facepalm.

Sir Laelius: "You never got used to her?" The dark-skinned senior officer cheekily asks me.

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