7. I'm what exactly?

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As I was rushing through the hallways to escape from the alarm beeping, I spotted Lydia and Stiles by the fire alarm, which Stiles was pulling.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I asked in anger, rushing over to them.

"I was saving all of your were wolf as-"

I cleared my throat before signaling my head over his shoulder, to where coach was.


I smirked and crossed my arms, loving the fact that he's about to get detention for the rest of his life.

Stiles looked back and jumped adding an "Ow" before coach grabbed his ear, dragging Stiles outside. Lydia and I followed, holding back our laugh.

"Pulling an alarm on mischief night is one thing. Doing it when there's a massive murderer spotted nearby is INSANE!" Coach shouted, sharply removing his hand from his ear.

"If I were four years younger I would... I would punch you!"

"What? Coach that doesn't even make sense."

"Well it does to me," he mumbled stomping away.

We all looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders before meeting Scott and one of the twins.

"We didn't find anything," the twin started.

"Not even a scent." Scott said disappointed.

I cleared my throat, getting a hard glare from them.

"That's funny, because the scent lead me to the library."

"The library?" Scott said in disbelief.

"The library..." I repeated.

"Well, did you see anyone in there?"

"Not exactly." I got a death glare from the twin the moment I said that. I have a feeling that the twins don't like me.

"It's either you did, or you didn't," he said between clenched teeth.

"Calm down there, sour wolf." I said, rolling my eyes and giving him a glare in return.

" I saw Kira, but other than that the library was pretty much empty." I explained, Scott and Stiles sharing looks before changing the subject.

"Well, it's 3 o'clock so doesn't that mean he would set the bomb off already?" Stiles inferred.

"Does that mean everybody's safe?" The twin said with optimism.

We all looked at Lydia, ready for an explanation. She looked at us in worry before she sighed,

"I don't know... I just don't know."


"Okay, just call me as soon as you're done with practice. School is not exactly the definition of safe right now," I explained to my brother slowly on my phone as I walked to the parking lot in search for my mini yellow buggy. I just don't exactly understand coach. Especially why he would rather have freshmen JV lacross practice than to have his students safe and away from a demented murderer. I knew for sure the fact that my brother was at school where there was a potential bomb (according to Stiles) was killing me.

"Okay. Whatever. Bye," I finished before hanging up and throwing my phone into my bag. The moment I saw my Buggy in my sight, I took a deep breath and rummaged through my bag for my keys.

All of the sudden, I got this woosy feeling and I started sweating. I felt light headed and clammy within a few seconds and it was starting to trip me out. 'Okay, just one foot at a time,' I coached myself, struggling to get to my mini Buggy.

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