26. Void

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listen to: control by Halsey

"This is him," Stiles breathed out heavily after breaking down the brick wall, the familiar wrapped figure lying down inside. It definitely did not look alive like it usually did; tormenting them and following them. It looked lifeless.

Which they were both by all means would rather have the thing be in this state.

"As long as this thing stays in this state, I'm satisfied," Sam mumbled. The two took a stifled breath before stiles carefully climbed inside the hole to search the rotting body. Sam stayed back, still alert just in case the body would somehow come back to life.

At this point, zombies could randomly pop up  and she wouldn't be surprised.

"Recognize them?" Sam asked Stiles after he took a picture frame from the body's clothes. Sam couldn't see the picture from where she was standing, so she moved a bit closer for a better look, her arms crossed in worry.

"One of them," Stiles hesitated. He looked shocked and mortified, furrowing his eyebrows at the Kira look alike. Sams mouth fell, noticing that the girl resembled her best friend.

"We have to get this to Scott," the brunette blurted out.

Stiles, still staring at the picture in awe, turned around and noticed that Sam had dropped to the floor, shaking in pain. He then noticed Oliver standing over her with a smirk on his face.

Stiles glanced at Sam in pain on the floor convulsing, feeling helpless. He couldn't stand seeing her in pain, so he quickly looked back up at Oliver in anger.

"You took Brunski's keys," he said through gritted teeth. Stiles then looks behind Oliver's shoulder to see that Malia was laying on the ground by the door.

"I took his stun gun," Oliver said casually, strolling over to stiles.

"I also got his Haldol," Oliver continued, presenting the shot in his hand that could easily knock both him and Sam out instantly. He raised his hands out in front of him, as if herding back a deranged animal.

Sam struggled getting up, holding her side in pain. Without Oliver noticing, at least she thought, she tried throwing a punch but failed. Oliver took her hand mid air, giving her a smirk and sticking the needle in her arm. Sam stumbled, finally falling to the floor in defeat. She couldn't save Stiles. She lost hope the moment she blacked out.

Stiles tried running over to her, but it was too late. Oliver had stuck the needle into his skin. He was knocked out, seeing black.


Stiles blinked his eyes, everything seemed to be in a blur. Once he realized where he was and that he was tied up, he began to panic.

"Like I was saying, Stiles, I heard they used to do trepanation here," Oliver said proudly, walking around stiles as he was tied up helpless to a chair. He had given stiles less dosage for this exact reason. So he would be the first to wake up. The first to be traumatized.

So Sam would be used as bait.

"Oliver What are you doing?" He demanded through a shaky voice, trying his best to not show much fear. But he was terrified and Oliver knew that. Or whoever decided to invade his body and possess him.

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