Blade In The Dark

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A Grineer hid underneath a broken Dargyn for fear of the Hunter. There was no telling where he was, only that he was a a foe they could not surpass. He then noticed a transport that seemed to be mostly intact and looked around to see if it was safe, yet saw only the corpses of the Corpus and his fallen brethren. Thinking the area was clear, he made a mad dash for the transport, however he was stopped when he felt something heavy knock him face first into the floor. He tried to get up but couldn't.

He then looked to his left just before a blade was stabbed into the ground before him followed by a voice, "Where is it?"

"I-I don't know! I don't know!" The Grineer said, his voice filled with Terror.

"Then you are useless to me." The hunter said.

(Earth's Orbit)

Terry was in his orbiter, reading the ancient Tenno Book he had found during his meditation. The Void Demon had been teaching him lately how to use his powers and had taught him how to use Void tentacles, the name was quite self explanatory since it came from a book that taught him how to use his powers to have sex. He sighed at the silence and looked to the radio and decided to play a song he knew of. He placed the book to the side and approached the radio before playing the song, "In The Name Of God" by Powerwolf.

He hummed to the lyrics as they filled the once quiet room and continued to read the book until Ordis said, "Operator, Lucy is trying to establish a transmission with you."

He lowered the book and said, "sure, let her through."

After he said that, her voice played inside the room, "Hey Terry." She said.

"Hey." he said.

"How're things?" She asked.

"Good, you?" He replied.

"I've been better, I just got back from the plains from sabotaging a Grineer weapon that'd possibly destroy the Unum." she said.

"Damn, how'd that go?" he asked.

"Could've gone better, Chroma almost lost a limb and Nova died around three times." She said.

"Yeesh, but you still took it down right?" Terry asked.

"Yeah, but not without a few scars, anyway, the Lotus asked me to go check out a Steel Meridian Vessel that went dark after entering discovering some kind of Tenno Artifact." She said, "A team of Red Veil members went to investigate but we haven't heard from them either since."

"You want me to come along?" He asked.

"Yeah, I could use some help since this' probably Stalker." She said.

"Alright, meet you there then." He said.

The transmission ended and Terry got up to head to the Navigator. After exiting his private Quarters he saw Zephyr playing with Indiana. The Kavat purred at her touch as she rubbed it's belly and made Terry smiled. He walked up to the navigator and set a course for the location. After that he went down to see Zephyr rocking Indiana softly in her arms while the Kavat was purring louder than before.

"How're things so far?" He asked.

She looked up to him before releasing the kavat and said, "Things are a little different from Lucy's Liset, but other than that, I'm good."

"Great." He said.

He looked up and down her body and felt his lust return to him, however he was able to hold back and keep his cover. He walked over to his forge and went to see the progress on his Opticor was going. He looked at the weapon and saw that it needed around three or more hours before it was actually finished. After that he decided to spend the rest of the ride studying the ancient texts.

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