Saryn's Beloved Master

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A/N: This is a port from the original one I wrote on AO3. I hope you guys enjoy it! Also, leave your thoughts in the comments below, I'd love to hear what you guys think of it!

(Mars, Ares)

Saryn sat inside the Liset with her Operator, Terry. She sat against the Armory while he was playing with his Kavat, Indiana. He smiled softly at the black and white Kavat, he had managed to create her from several different kinds of Kavat DNA, which was just annoying to have to do. She smiled beneath her helmet at the sight of it and sudddenly felt her body heat up from dirty thoughts of him. Her breasts began to glow where her nipples would be and a small slit formed where her womanhood would be. She shook them away and the sudden changes to her body disappeared and she looked back at Terry. He pushed his short brown hair aside as his Crimson eyes shined in the light with His smooth pale skin.

Suddenly he got up and went to the cockpit and noticed they were entering the drop zone.

"Saryn, we're nearing the drop!" He said.

She nodded and grabbed her weapons. Her arsenal consisted of Twin Lex Primes, a Cernos Prime, and a Nikana Prime.They stopped over the area she would drop and the underside spun around and dropped her onto the ground. The hot winds blew hard against her but she pressed on towards a large hole in the ground that led into the Grineer base.

"What am I looking for?" She asked as she snuck behind a Grineer.

"The Base's core, blow it apart, and it's mission accomplished." Terry said as Saryn thrusted her weapon through the Grineer's heart.

"Understood." she said as she pulled her blade from the clone's heart.

She continued on into a large open area with towers and massive canons firing off at Tenno ships trying to invade.

'Those won't bother us soon enough.' She thought.

She continued on into the open area until she came across a large platoon of Grineer marines. She hid behind a large piece of debris and watched them pass by. After a few minutes, they left over a dune and disappeared from sight. She took this chance to dash across the field and reached another doorway a minute later. inside was a sort of cave. She walked over to a large overhang and looked down into a river. A voice was heard and she looked across the river to see a sniper. She ran towards a panel but an arrow pierced her side and pinned her to a wall. Saryn jumped over the side and walked on to the next area.

Past the doorway was a small cave leading to an elevator. She walked onto the elevator and up to a panel, interacting with it before she began to wait for the ride to end. Suddenly she felt something in her body and watched as Terry suddenly walked out of her. She gasped as she felt him exit her before regaining her focus.

"So, how's your day?" He asked.

"Quite well." She replied.

"That's good, by the way, I just saw a Grineer convoy, if you ask me, they're probably protecting something that would weaken them greatly." He said.

"So you just came by to tell me to go and deal with whatever it is the Grineer convoy brought?" She asked.

"That's about it." He said.

"You could've easily done that through communications." She said.

"It's broken." Terry said.

"Is it? Or did you come down for something else?" Saryn asked.

"Well, I did want to try something, but I've decided against it." He said.

"Oh? And what would that be?" She asked.

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