cheries why are you so
porny, get it pornstar
and corny mashed up
makes porny

jasonmccan. . . .

cheries too soon ?

jasonmccan yup

cheries anyWAy you
at work ?

jasonmccan nah i'm just
practicing why you ask ?

cheries well one your
instagram post which
by the way holy v lines
and tattoos and two,
practicing ?

jasonmccan i knew you
only wanted my body

cheries of course
i only want your
body that why i'm
texting you for the
past months

jasonmccan i love your
sarcasm anyway to answer
your question, i have a
shooting tommorow

cheries oh ? are
you shooting all
day or ?

jasonmccan curious kitten
huh ? you know curiosity
once killed the cat

cheries but the cat
always survives bc
it got nine lives duh
anyway as i was
saying you working
tommorow ?

jasonmccan yup i'm
practicing now though

cheries when you
mean practicing you
mean. . .

jasonmccan having sex ? yes
and sorry i didn't know i was
talking to a fifteen years old
who's too shy to say the
word sex

cheries piss off, i'm
curious so what to you
do ? i mean do you and
the main girl or girls
practice alone or like
y'all talk and plan ?

jasonmccan well kitten
if you want to know, it
isn't exactly only sex, it
is but not really

cheries what is that
supposed to mean ?
i need more details

jasonmccan fine, you lucky i'm
on a break anyway starting off,
the day before a shooting i wake
up at 6 and work out for 2 to 3
hours, then i rest and read the
very few lines i have to say
before i go and talk with the
producer on how he wants
things to go before it's lunch

cheries and ?

jasonmccan getting horny
huh ? i ain't even at the best
part yet



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