I pulled her into me and began kissing her passionately. Her arms wrapped around my neck as I hovered over her. A pleasurable feeling rippled down my spine and, at that instant, I wanted all of her.

I removed her dress quickly while  kissing the nakedness being exposed to my eyes only. She was extremely beautiful.

She took my vest off and threw it across the room. I took her underwear off and threw it to the floor.

"EJ," she moaned as I turned her over on her stomach and straddled on top of her.


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"You're. So. Beautiful." With every word I kissed her.

"I love you, EJ."

The heat rushed over me and flooded my hormones, which spiked my erection. I trailed the kisses down her back and stopped when she said she couldn't wait anymore.

I slowly entered her. As she received all of me her moaning got louder. Inside of her felt like a sunny-rainy day. Wet but heated.

I thrust slowly and gently and sucked on her neck. Zenia wasn't the type of girl to be fucked. She was the type to make love to, and that was exactly what I was doing with her.

Finally, I was having her. No alcohol involved and no disturbances from anyone around us.

At the end of our climaxes, we laid in each others arms on the bed. In our naked glory.

"That was so amazing," she complimented my work and put a bigger boost in my male ego.

"You're amazing."

"No. We're amazing."

We were having another make-out moment when my phone rang on the nightstand table.


We ignored it, but then it rang again and again.

"Maybe you should get it. Could be your mom or your boss."

I laughed at the last part.


Evan should know better. I was certain I never got in the way when he was getting Jasmine pregnant, again.

Madison's name flashed on the screen. I heaved a long sigh and answered.

"EJ!" Her voice held panic.

"What's up?"

"EJ! It's my mother. She was in a horrific car accident and the doctors don't know if she'll live or not. I'm leaving Brooklyn right now. Can I see you before I leave? Please EJ? I don't want it to be like the last time I went away."

"I'll be right there!" I quickly responded.

I loved Madison's mom. When we were kids, she always baked me cookies when I went over to see Madison. She was a lady filled with pride, and a mother filled with love for her child and others.

I hung up, ran to the bathroom, took a shower and got dressed.

"What's wrong?" Zenia kept asking.

"Madison's mom was in an accident. I'm going over to say goodbye to her before she leaves."

"Madison? Did you just say Madison?"

I stopped.

"EJ! We just finished making love and you're leaving me to go over to her?"

"Zen, stop. It's nothing like that. She's still my friend."

"Fine. Go!" She threw a pillow at me and struck me in my face.

"Why are you acting like this? Her mom could die. I'm only going to show my support. I'm sure my parents would want me to do that, but if you're so bitter about it then come with me."

As if for spite, Zenia took her precious time to get ready. 

I went to my parents' house. Mom had called me while I was driving, stating Madison had come over to the house and was in a state. As I pushed in the front door, Madison's arms wrapped around my neck.

"It's too late EJ. She's gone. My mother is dead."

I hugged her.

"Madison, I'm so sorry. Please accept my condolences." Zenia said.

Madison nodded.

"Madison, my plane is going to take you back home. It will be ready in an hour," my father said to her.

"Thank you Mr. Hollen. Thank you so much."

"You're like family, Madison. It's the least I can do. I'm so sorry for your loss."

Father hugged her.

"Goodbye EJ. I don't know when I'll see you again."

"I'm so sorry, Madison. Please take care of yourself out there."

I hugged her also and watched as she left with my father.

"I really thought that she lived with her mom."

"No, she did. When she was little. Her family ran into financial difficulties and had to resell their house so Madison moved away. She returned on her own and she was living with her aunt. Four houses away from my parents."

"She must really be hurting."

"Yeah. That's really terrible. I don't know what I'll do if I lose my mom. Speaking of moms, what happened between you and Miss Blackman?"

"Can you believe what she even told me about my miscarriage? She said I should be happy that the baby is dead."


"Yeah. I couldn't live with her anymore. I can't stand to see her face anymore."

It was a terrible thing for Zenia's mom to have said to her. But it had me wondering if she moved in with me because of what her mother said or if she moved in because she wanted to.

Was that the reason why she didn't accept my ring?

Because she had no intentions of actually being with me. 



What do you all think?

- Did Zenia move in with EJ because of what happened between her and her mother?

OR did she moved in because she wanted to start a life with EJ?

Or was it both?

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