Chapter 3 - The shoot

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Jisung was ecstatic. He was talking and gesturing nonstop. Changbin could barely keep up with all the words and facial expressions, and he was constantly afraid to get hit in the face by one of his newfound friend's flailing arms, as they had already hit his arms countless of times.

  "What if we really find our true soulmate here!" Jisung exclaimed.

His words made Changbin stop chewing on his sandwich. He wouldn't be able to find his true soulmate, he had already found his.

And lost him.

The tears threatened to fall once again. Still, it was Felix. Had always been Felix. Will always be Felix.

How would he be able to survive the suffocating of a life without Felix?

He put away his sandwich, which was met with worried eyes from the younger. "Nervous," Changbin lied, being answered by an understanding nod.


Not much later, they finally got called into a room one and one, for a quick interview about their current feeling, something that would be edited into the episode later.

They then got guided into a big, round, dimly lit room, which gave Changbin a feeling of being in a barn, a feeling that only got stronger as he spotted some stacks of hay in a few places.

There were cameras and staff everywhere, and closest to the door stood Saeran, jumping in excitement. When a person stepped in, she quickly guided them to their alleged spots. the same went for Changbin, as she guided him to the middle of the line.

  "Come on, it'll be fun," she said as she saw Changbin's dark expression. "Believe me."

With that she gave him what was supposed to be a light shove, but in her excitement she almost sent Changbin falling to the floor.

Saeran placed Jisung right next to him, and instantly the young boy's endless chatter started again, to go quiet only when Saeran suddenly clapped her hands.

  "Okay boys and girls in Group 1, welcome to the production of My final love story, we're very happy to have you here," her voice rang through the now quiet room. "We'll soon start the filming, and after a few seconds, we'll let Group 2 in. I'm sure you're all just as excited as I am!" at that she added a high-pitched giggle. "So let's not wait then!"

Changbin let out a long sigh as he watched her jump away.


  "It's starting!" Jisung whispered.


  "I hope I find someone nice," Jisung whispered again.

  "And action!"

In a second every camera focused on the group in the Center of the room. Everyone was silent. The room was so silent you could almost hear everyone's heartbeats.

Then suddenly a spotlight focused on the door, and slowly, slowly it started to open, revealing another group with the same amount of people as the group already inside.

First at that moment, Changbin starts to feel excited. Because it feels real, like he might finally be able to get over Felix.

But Changbin's excitement did not last long. Because the first face walking in was too familiar.

His lips curled up in a smirk when his eyes fell on Changbin. Sent a wink.

Changbin stopped breathing. It was no one other than the boy he dated for a year, now his ex. The person he missed the most in this entire universe.

Felix Lee.

What was he doing there?

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