Chapter 12 - Let Fate Decide.

Começar do início

I silently stood there, afraid to say anymore words that could make him angrier. But both of them were in love with each other for many years. Their eyes say it all. I thought, recalling the memory of when I met my adorable Leah in her wedding dress, who couldn’t wait to get married to the love of her life.

He scoffed, “Love?” he said as though he read my mind, “How would you know she didn’t marry him for his money? Women are greedy creatures.”

“Leah isn’t like that.” I said, defending her name.

“Oh? She isn’t?” He looked at his hand where the cigar was in. It looked crushed and the end tip was burnt. He had been holding his burnt out cigar in his hand for a while. “Shall we test it?”

“What?” I said, confused. Did I light up the wrong spark?

“-Their love of each other.-“ He smiled, looking amused at the cigar in his hand, “How far they are willing to keep up this fantasy of love. How much they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the other. I’m curious.”

He grinned and squeezed the cigar tight, “Do you want to find out?”



Leah’s POV


I abruptly shivered despite the lack of air in the vast sea. What was that? I confusedly thought as I rubbed my arms. “Are you cold? Should I get your coat?” Stephen asked worriedly. He had just come in from outside. I shook my head, “No need. The shiver just now was a bit random.” I laughed, looking up at him as he blocked the sunlight from the small window pane.

“If you say so…” he said, hesitating to leave me be.

Matt shouted. I looked through the window; Matt was leaning over the railing while pointing at something, “Dude! You have got to see this fish! He looks like you!” He laughed like a retard while pointing at it. The yacht hasn’t been moving for two hours because of the power failure of the machine so we are stuck in the middle of the ocean.

“What now?” Stephen sighed exasperatedly, but ran over there anyway. Then he laughed like a retard with Matt a moment later, “That thing has got a freakin’ nose!”

I rolled my eyes, but felt thankful that Matt called him over. Stephen worries too much.

I took a sip of my tropical juice and relaxing under the shade on the roof inside. Kylie was sleeping on the sofa opposite of me. The yacht was especially hired for us. I’m not talking about the luxury type of yacht, but an ordinary small yacht with sails. Annie is probably on the roof, sun tanning.

Our helmsman came in the room with tools in his hand, sweating like a pig. He look pink rather than tanned with his white blond hair ruffled messily. He looked young and about my dad’s age. “I take it the machine is beyond repair?” I laughed.

He sighed, scratching his head, “20 years I have been on this boat. Neva once I had this problem.” He said. His accent was thick with a mixture of Aussie and German accent. It was funny.

“But it’s not serious, right? You have already called for help.”

“Ja, but they aren’t respondin’. I don’t want to cause panic but you don’t think someone deliberately broke our machine, do ye?”

§: It's A Love/Hate Thing, Honey Series 3 - The HoneymoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora