three ➝ "girls"

Start from the beginning

My whole face fell when I realised it was his phone that was ringing. "I take back everything I said. Marrying the Devil doesn't quite meet my Mum's expectations. Sorry to break it to you."

Luke let out a quick laugh, before looking down to the caller I.D. I was surprised to see his face drop. The whole time I had been with Luke he had been cheerful or down-right devious—but never conflicted.

"Who is it, mate?" Michael asked, obviously noticing his friends attitude change. Ly was watching on with curiosity.

"Claire," Luke stifled a frown. His thumb hesitated over the decline button, then the answer and then back to the decline.

"Ex?" I took a wild stab in the dark.

"Ooh," Michael smirked, who had been up until now in a detailed conversation with Ly. "Don't even go near that topic."

"Really? That bad?" I hummed, feeling somewhat bad for him. I nibbled on my thumbnail and just scratched the back of my neck. "What did she do?"

"She—she's just a lying bitch." Michael was obviously hesitant to explain anything, and I knew this girl did some damage to Luke because he still looked wary.

"Give me the phone." I demanded, ignoring Luke's shocked glance. "I'm serious. This girl is going to realise what she missed out on."

Luke wearily passed me the phone. "Don't be too harsh."

I shot him a playful look, reassuring him that I wouldn't bite his ex's head off. Although I don't doubt she deserved it if Michael was calling her a bitch. That being said; I barely knew these boys and perhaps they had completely different stories to Claire. 

Still, this was Lucifer—and despite his name I didn't think he'd be upset about screwing a girl over. Her screwing him over was a different thing. I winked at my audience of three and slide my thumb across the answer button.

"Hello? Luke?" A voice piped up. "Oh my god, Luke. I'm so sorry—"

"Um, who's this?" I asked, my voice lazy and slightly drawled out. Luke shot me a weird look, but I waved my hand letting him know it'd make sense soon.

"Er—I'm Claire. Luke's, um, friend." She paused for a moment before continuing. "Who are you?"

"Claire... doesn't sound familiar." I yawned loudly, and got even more weird looks. "I'm Indie."

"Did I interrupt your sleep or something?" Claire sounded frazzled now. "Is Luke there? Can I speak to him?"

"Yeah, actually you did. I just woke up." I explained, not answering her Luke question quite yet.

"It's only 8:30." Claire's accusing tone made it clear she thought it was too early to be sleeping. "I heard Luke was having a party."

"Sex makes me tired though," I replied without missing a beat. "And apparently it makes Luke sleep like a baby. He doesn't look like he's waking up anytime soon. When he does I'll be sure to let him know Caitlyn called."

"It's Clai—" she started to say, but I hung up before the words even reached this end of the phone.

"Sex makes me tired?" Luke repeated my words, and for a moment I thought he'd be mad with me but when I met his eyes he looked extremely amused.

"Apparently." I grinned loosely, earning a high five from Michael.

"That was completely gold." Ly whistled. "I could hear her desperation to speak to Luke from this end of the phone."

I twisted back to the man himself, dearest Lucifer, and shot him a smug smile. He returned it with an equally pleased one. Even though he hadn't said it aloud, I secretly think he liked watching me stick it to some girl who hurt his feelings.

"Ly and I are going to have our turn at karaoke. See you guys in a bit." Michael waved, tugging Ly to follow him.

A silence fell between Luke and I. I think we were both trying to digest what had just happened in the time span of half an hour. We rocked out Teenage Dirtbags on karaoke. He had won a bet regarding my physical and mental benefits. I realised his music taste was perfect. I had personally shown his ex-girlfriend what she was missing, and now we were standing there, just smiling stupidly at each other.

"Let's go sit in the hammock." Luke pointed over at a hammock strung between two poles. It was further into his back yard, and there weren't as many drunken fools, so I accepted his offer.

"Later we're going swimming in that pool." I declared, slipping out of my high heels as letting my feet sink into the fresh grass.

"Anything to see you naked." Luke wriggled his eyebrows.

"I said swimming, not skinny dipping. Jesus, is the real Lucifer such a perve?" I questioned aloud, as we sunk down onto the hammock.

Luke kicked off the ground and we swung back and forth absently, my unanswered question dangling in the air.

"Why did your parents name you Indie Anna?" Luke asked. "They had to know the jokes that you'd suffer through."

"I wasn't kidding when I said they were cruel." My tone was light with amusement, so he knew I really was kidding. My parents were loving people. "I actually asked my Mum this once."

"Really?" Luke twisted his torso and looked at me attentively. "What did she say?"

"She got real philosophical on me and told me that everyone was going to make a joke out of you at some point in your life and it's up to you to laugh." I smiled lightly, tilting my head back.

Although I hadn't had much alcohol, the buzz was still in the back of my mind, and the sudden blood rushing to my head wasn't helping.

"I like that—woah, you look green."

"You're cute when you're worried." I smiled, shutting my eyes and willing the dizziness to leave.

"I'm worried about my jumper." He joked. "I don't want you puking on my jumper, me or my hammock."

I shot him a dirty glare, when I finally pried my eyes open. He held his hands up innocently but I flipped him off lazily. "If I do puke, you can bet your ass I'll be aiming it in your direction, Lucifer."

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