Chapter 1: "The Time Of Peace" - Scene 1

Start from the beginning

"Lieutenant Amodar. Forgive me, but what might you be doing here, sir? The parade is still underway," Lightning asks after saluting.

"Came to check up on you. Heh, heh. Seems like someone was enjoying themselves this time," Amodar [3] smiled.

"Huh, never. I mean, don't get me wrong. World peace is great. But, this is a little much," Lightning replied.

"Heh, no kiddin'. Luckily, I came juust to torture you more. Heh-heh. Yep. Gonna need you to head to the ceremony. The Primarch awaits and requires security. You'll be escorting civs on a grand tour," Amodar said to her.

"A tour? Forgive me again, but, couldn't you get Percy to do it?" Lightning questioned.

"I gave you an order, Farron. Now, what was that moto you usually say? 'You only do it?'"

"It's not a question of can or can't. There are some things in life you just do... right. Damn my own words," she sighed.
{OST #2: Defiers of Fate begins}

Then, a blast followed by screaming of terror is heard coming from the audience. Cutting to where the marchers were walking. Monsters jump out of special portals and slaughter some of the soldiers and audience members. The parade is immediately shut down; Lightning and Amodar rush on out and immediately run into two boney, four-legged, growly Sabertusks. "Keep a tight form, Farron! I wanna hear that blade sing!" Amodar shouted.

>>FIGHT #2<<

The battle transitions back into a cutscene between Lightning, Amodar, and the monsters that appeared. The battle theme (Defiers of Fate) continues to play, even outside the FIGHTs. The lieutenant now has a gigantic gatling gun with a blade on one side of it. His movements are slow, but he sweeps more groups down than Lightning could with Blazefire Saber [her gunblade].

Together, along with the other PSICOM and Guardian Corps, most of the threat is taken care of.

"H-hey! Get off me! Ah! Lightning! Help!" Lightning's sister cries out. She is being attacked by a Manasvin Warmech. It is noticed that the machine has gone haywire due to a special mark that projects from the center.

[The mark]:

"Serah!" Lightning shouted

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"Serah!" Lightning shouted.

"Omega..." Amodar muttered.

The two make their way to Serah and Lightning shoves her back.

"Omegas have been sent... dammit..." Lightning said, noticing the glowing mark on the Warmech.

"Tainted metal now, Sarge. Speak freely--I'm curious. What do you suggest we do?" Amodar questioned.

Defiers of Fate fades and silence briefly pursues.

{OST #3: Sabers Edge begins}

"Hmm... watch and learn.... Stay back, Serah!" Lightning shouted, assuming her battle stance.

>>FIGHT #3 [BOSS]<<

After the boss battle, the scorpian-like mech sparks up and powers down before blowing up; knocking Lightning, Amador, and Serah away.

The moment it explodes, that is when everything turns white and silent.

**Loading Screen shows up for a couple seconds**

+++++END OF SCENE 1+++++

Voice Actors:
[1]: Ali Hillis.
[2]: Laura Bailey.
[3]: Dave Wittenberg

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