I want to feel better

41 16 1

I want to feel better
Yes, I know
Everything is going to be fine
If I could just tape my beating heart down
And slow this train of thought
I could convince myself of that
I want to feel better
I do
You telling me I need to try harder
Doesn't help.
I want to feel better
I don't love
Thinking everyone whispering behind a hand
Is talking about me.
I want to feel better
But I don't know how
I don't know why my stomach burns
White hot coils of slimy eels
When I'm trying to fall asleep
Or why I remember tripping across the street
In high school when I can't remember my prom.
I want to feel better
But most days I don't
I could ask you to understand
But you won't
I don't understand myself.
I want you to be patient
I don't want you to leave
But in my mind, you've already done the worst
So you might as well do what you please

Oh, You Go SailingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon