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I have waited long enough I suppose

to try to compose my feelings into prose

I can't.

a freckle here, a freckle there 

a Maryland breeze ruffling your fair hair

I loved you then

when it was easy

I loved you then when you were off

looking for love 

everywhere you could

I encouraged you, as I should


I hoped that you would find what you were looking for

I wish I had something to hang on to

to hate you

but I don't.

You were lovely then 

and lovely now

if I said what I felt louder

maybe you would have heard me

you might still be here

but you are off still


I wonder still if you had stayed

like I had prayed

would you have felt the way I did

I'm surely not your one that got away

but are you mine?

you may have been quite terrible

had we been together

you may have never called or wrote

you may have never returned my coat

you may have called it off and broke my heart

and never done the boyfriend part

I prefer to think of you as perfect

I'll never know- it's easier

what could've been but is no longer

you left me all but feeling stronger

It took me years to get over you

those quiet, lovely things you do

the gentle chords, the timid songs

how could we ever have gone so wrong?

everything is not as it seems,

I still hear you singing in my dreams.

Oh, You Go Sailingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें