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 "Andromeda is coming!" Taurus screamed running into a room full of zodiacs. Aries raised a brow at the frantic star sign. "Right now?" Scorpio asked flicking away a bit of stardust. "Yes!" Taurus squeaked like a girl.

Immediately everyone got up and ran out of the room. They made their way to a large open room with marbled gold and copper floors and pillars. A bright light becomes more visible in the distance.

"What could she want?" Leo asked with a slight purr. Aries shrugged. The light in the distance exploded, blinding the signs temporarily. When their sight came back there was a black figured woman with galaxy swirling hair and blue flaming eyes.

Cancer stepped forward and kneeled. "What brings-" Andromeda pushed him over.

"Fools." Her voice echoed. All the signs cowered in fear. "All your games with the mortal need to stop," Andromeda demanded. "What games, woman?" Capricorn said in a dazed voice. All the signs gasped at the Capricorn amazed.

"Are you high?" Libra whispered to Capricorn. He looked at Libra questionably and giggled "Yeah."

"Enough." Andromeda stomped her foot rattling the floor. Everyone froze as if they were playing Simon says.

"I don't want anymore foolery from you all, and humans," Andromeda said softening her stance. "Why is there a problem with that?" Cancer said walking back to the others. "There will be no questions about it. Now hand over your weapons. I don't want you all to use them to get to the human's world again." She said holding out a hand.

"You seem desperate," Sagittarius stated holding her arrows close. "Now, now child this is for a good reason. I know you love them dearly, but it's necessary." Andromeda cooed reassuringly. Sagittarius looked at her arrows than to the others. Everyone looked at their weapons longingly.

Gemini walked up to Andromeda and dropped his copper gloves and eyeshield before the woman's feet. Then Leo dropped her steel claw,s. Then Aquarius, Libra, Virgo, and so on surrendered their weapons. The one who remained with their weapon was Sagittarius. Andromeda looked at her with irritation. "Dear," the galaxy figure sighed, "hand it over." Sagittarius looked at the arrow and clenched it tightly. She took a step back. Everyone's breath hitched at once. "You want it," Sagittarius asked with her heels to the edge of the marble platform, "Then get it." She quickly took out her bow and shot the arrows into the stars. Andromeda instantly ran to the edge and yelled, "You idiot!"

Sagittarius ran to the pile of discarded weapons and grabbed Ragnarok, the great battle hammer of the Taurus. Taurus tried to stop her but was held back by Cancer. The Taurus cried, "No wait if it in hands of someone besides the owner it could destroy the-" it was too late she struck the marbled gold-copper floor. Hot flashes of light exploded from the hammer. Andromeda hissed at Sagittarius and leaped off the platform.

Cancer lets go of Taurus and he took hold of his weapon. The floor was cracked all the way through. All the signs claimed their weapons at once.

When Sagittarius let go of the weapon and Taurus took hold of it, the hot flashes stopped and died out. The floor rumbled below them and split. Virgo took her staff Anarchy and tapped the floor, causing it to mend the floor.

"Why would you do that?" Scorpio growled. "Hey, lay off." Leo hissed back. "There's a reason she wanted us not to be around the humans anymore," Sagittarius said defensively. "That doesn't make any sense. She's always encouraged us to make new generations for when we die." Cancer said attaching his sickle, Dignity, to his belt. "What are you going to do without your arrow?" Libra asked laying a hand on Sagittarius's shoulder. "It will come back to me." She said sadly. "Where did you fire it?" Virgo asked looking out into the vast space. "The only place she can't go." Sagittarius sighed and fainted.

Anne Morris and the Zodiac's:  Arrows of the CentarWhere stories live. Discover now