The case.

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Dr. Watson looked over at me as if remembering I was still there. I gave him a small wave, he blinked then turned back to Mr. Holmes and spoke through his clenched teeth,

"Sherlock,  I need to speak to you. In the kitchen. Alone."

Mr. Holmes tossed my wand at me and said,

"Try not to drop this again, they were quite expensive the last I looked."

I started to ask what he meant but he was already in the other room with Dr. Watson.

I took this time to go through what I was going to say, I had to have a decent story if I was to get him to help me.

Let's see, I could go full blown girl-scout truthful,..

Hello, my name is Mindy Jones and I'm a 14 year old girl from New York City, New York in the U.S.A. I'm the lots-of-greats-granddaughter of Pitch Black, a half-blood Ravenclaw witch and I need you to take me back to America to find my best friend. Nope! That's not going to happen.

Maybe I could give them a half-truth, something like--

"Ok, Sherlock won't or can't tell me, so who are you? What are you doing here? And what do you want?"

Dr. Watson had interrupted my thoughts with his annoying list of questions, so I answered with an equally annoying list of answers in my most snooty voice,

"It's not that he won't,  It's that he can't. My name is Mindy B. Black. I have a case for Mr. Holmes. I need to go to America, and I need you two to take me."


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