the end is near. Hive attacks

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Y/n pov
It was a normal day for all of us. My blade arm is still not fully healed. It hurts to move it too much. I hope it heals soon.

I was walking around the base to get some fresh air. No doubt in my mind that I needed to get out there as soon as possible.  But until my arm heals I would only be a burden.  I decided to see what Doc was doing. I saw him with Ellen.

Doc: Y/n. Glad to see you. I was wanting to try out this enhanced healing serum.

Y/n: Well let's give it a try.

Before he could inject me the alarm went off and the lights went head.

Doc: We must hurry.

He injected me. I felt point jolt through me as I screamed in agony. Infected came into the room. My arm went full blade now fully healed. I got up.

Y/n: Game time.

I slashed and hacked my way through them. Personnel fighting on almost every corridor. No matter what I had to keep moving. Eventually I found Ash and Finka fighting enemies. I went up to them.

Y/n: Hey girls.

Ash: Y/n. Your okay!

Finka: Seems Doc got that serum to work.

Y/n: Right in the nick of time too.

?: Damn. I was hoping to kill you quick and easy.

We looked to see Hive with grunts next to him.

Hive: It was hard getting in here undetected. But I guess since everyone was so worried about the pet project.  You know? I found something interesting.

He pulled out a tablet.

Hive: Hacking is a strong suit of mine. So I hacked team rainbow's database. And guess what I found?

He slid the tablet over to me. I made a blade into a hand and picked it up. It said. Y/n l/n. Infected individual. Status, safe. Recommended action, termination. Could fall under control of Hive. If he falls under control immediate deadly force.

I felt betrayed. My team is will to just kill me. They don't trust me. Did they ever?

Ash: Y/n?

Y/n stern: Did you know about this?

Ash looked at what was on the tablet.

Finka: What?

Ash:Y/n. Im sorry.

Finka: What the hell is going on?

Ash: He knows Finka. He knows the contingency plan.

Hive: See Y/n. Your expendable. They don't trust you. Join me Y/n. And accept your destiny.

Y/n: No. I'll never join you.

Hive: Then you'll die.

Hive turned into a grunt.

Hive: Let's fight Y/n.

Rainbow six siege. Male infected reader x Ash and FinkaWhere stories live. Discover now