Chapter 5 the hive and a new realtionship

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It was time to find the capsule the virus came in. And that means they had to go to patient zero's house. The team consisted of, Ash, Finka, Tachanka and Y/n. The team found the exothermic charges that were dropped for them. They were about to enter a diner. But a smasher knocked them all away. 

Y/n: Okay. Now I'm mad. 

Y/n charged for the smasher jumping over it and stabbing the back with a blade arm. The smasher rushed backwards knocking Y/n into a wall. It backed off.

Y/n: You're better then the others. Color me impressed. 

The smasher charged. But Y/n moved making the smasher crash into the wall. It was now stunned. Y/n stabbed it with both arms killing it. The others just watched the events unfold. 

Ash: Yeah go Y/n! 

Finka: You showed him whose boss! 

The girls looked at one another and growled.

Tachanka in head: Oh boy. This competition they got is getting crazy. I hope Y/n picks one and fast. Otherwise this might turn bad for everyone. 

The group moved on to the house. On their way they met stiff resistance. But they found their way. Once they got in they planted the charge and had to defend it. Tachanka set up his turret and made short work of any enemy. But then a smasher came and knocked him off the turret. The smasher went to finish him. But Y/n jumped in front of him using an arm blade to block the strike. But a piece of the blade broke off. Y/n screamed in pain. He jumped over the smasher and stabbed straight through the smasher. The smasher died and Y/n held the spot where the blade broke at. 

Y/n: This hurts. 

Ash and Finka rushed over. 

Ash: Are you okay!? 

Finka: Do we need to call for exfil?! 

Y/n: Girls, I'm fine. Just give me a minute. 

Y/n tried to change his arm blade back. But it hurt too much. And his other one would not turn back either. 

Y/n: Oh great now I am stuck like this. 

They continued on their way to where the capsule was. And Y/n was in the worst pain in his life. Nothing topped this. When they got there they placed charges and had to defend that location. Y/n was struggling. But he managed to pull through until the end. Then they extracted out of there. The first thing Y/n did when he got there was go see Doc and Ellen. They did a few tests.

Doc: If we are correct. Then it should heal. But until then you are stuck with blade arms. 

Ellen: Perhaps we could find a way to enhance the healing. But until then you are stuck. 

Y/n: Thanks. I think I am going to go lay down.

Doc: While you were gone we had a bed fitted for you. Your back spikes should fit in slots in the bed. So no more having to worry about puncturing a hole through the bed. 

Y/n: Even better. 

Y/n went to bed. He laid down still in pain.

Y/n in head: This sucks. 

Outside the room Ash and Finka were there. 

Ash: We can agree that right now we need Y/n to chose. 

Finka: Why now?

Ash: Because. This feud we have is affecting our work. And I rather not have the urge to shoot my own teammate. 

Finka: But he is in pain. 

Ash: I know. So one of us with alleviate that pain.

Finka: Why not both? 

Ash: Lets see what Y/n thinks first. 

The girls walked in. 

Ash: Hi Y/n. 

Y/n: Hi girls. 

Finka: We have something to ask you. 

Y/n: Go ahead.

Ash: Do you "like" us?

Y/n's face went red. He did have feelings. But they were suppressed by the desire to be human. 

Y/n: *sigh* Y-yeah. I like both of you. 

Ash and Finka smiled at one another. 

Ash: We both win. 

Finka: Indeed. 

They crawled into bed with Y/n cuddling next to him. 

Ash: Now we will both help you feel better. 

Finka: Indeed. Because we love you. 

Y/n: I love you two too. But are you sure about this? I am not even human anymore. 

  Ash: Yeah you are. You are not mindless like those other infected. 

Finka: Besides. We have only known this Y/n. We did not met the Y/n before this one.  

Ash moved his head to face her. She placed her lips on his. Y/n's lips were soft even though the virus was there. After they parted Finka took a turn kissing him. Once they parted the girls nuzzled their heads on Y/n's chest and went to sleep. Y/n dozed off moments later. Now once more Y/n has something to protect. Something that he holds dear. The love he has given. That will forever be under the protection of Y/n. And no one can take it and expect to just walk away. Especially alive.

Rainbow six siege. Male infected reader x Ash and FinkaWhere stories live. Discover now