First Day Of the Rest Of Your Life

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"Are you ready," I asked as I looked down at my four pups. Their eyes were eager and round with excitement. They were certainly ready for their first day of school.

"Of course we are," yipped Reed as he bounced up and down and looked around at his littermates. "Aren't we?"

"Yeah," assured Avery as he looked to his brother. "I can't wait to finally do what everyone else is doing."

"I can't wait to learn about complex algebraic expressions," murmured Thyme as she looked up to me with longing.

"That's not for a while," chided Thruster as he strode into the room, his eyes gleaming. "First you should probably learn addition and subtraction."

"I know dad," Thyme barked as she looked back to Murk who looked less than enthusiastic about starting school. I wasn't sure why. The night before she couldn't stop talking about school. Now she just looked pathetic.

"What's wrong Murk," I asked as I kneeled down to look at her on her level.

"What if I'm not smart enough," Murk complained with unblinking eyes. "I mean what if I'm not as smart as the other pups and they make fun of me."

"They won't," assured Reed as he looked at his sister reassuringly. "And if they do they'll wish they hadn't."

"What are you going to do," teased Avery as he rolled his eyes. "Grow her a flower?"

Reed plastered his ears against hi head and snarled at Avery. "Alright, enough," I scolded as a growl rolled in my throat. "We aren't going to go for each other, at least not today. Now I'll walk you all to your first class but you're on your own after that. Now say good-bye to your father."

The four pups bounded toward Thruster and leaped at him and licked his face. Reed even leaped onto his shoulders and growled playfully. Murk weaved between her fathers pawed while Thyme licked his cheek. Avery stood a few paces back before I nudged him forward and he pushed against his father's shoulder.

"Alright let's get a move on," I barked as I pointed my paw toward the door.

My pups quickly grabbed their back packs with their binders, pencils, and whatever else they needed. They they scurried out of the door with me struggling to keep up behind them.

"What's our first class," asked Reed as he looked to me with anxious eyes.

"The Professor's class," I replied as I veered toward his room. "Basic introduction and you'll have it for the first week. It's where he's going to assess you and see where you best fit amongst the school. What grade level you're at."

"What if we're below average," fretted Murk.

"You won't be," I argued as I flicked her shoulder with my tail. "Besides it's not a contest. We just want to see where you'll best fit in and what classes you should take."

"What if I want to be a healer," asked Thyme as she looked up at me with unblinking eyes. I looked to her and her emerald eyes seemed to reflect what I was thinking.

"Er I'll have to talk to your father about that since he's a healer but we'll see what we can do," I stammered frantically. I had no idea that Thyme had an eye for healing. I knew that she was very intelligent like Poultice but I didn't know that being a healer is what she wanted to do. Poultice was very intelligent as well but he wanted to be a strategist in any battles we had and he was training very hard to achieve that. He was also working to become the future science teacher.

"Thanks," yipped Thyme as she strode forward on light and delicate paws.

Before I could think anymore about Thyme's decision we found ourselves at the Professor's door. I pushed it open and my pups strode forward. They quickly found seats but for this class they'd be the only ones in there at least until the Professor assessed them.

"Hello pups," the Professor greeted as he wheeled behind his desk and looked at the four pups staring up at him with eager eyes. "I hope you got a good nights' rest since today we'll be doing some assessments."

"Oh they slept," I taunted as I kinked my tail over my back. "Like rocks. I'm sure they shouldn't have trouble staying awake Professor."

"I'm glad to hear that Starlight," the Professor exclaimed as he passed out a few papers. They had simple questions on them and I was hoping my pups got most of them right since they were so simple.

"Well I better be going-"

"Wait," called the Professor as he wheeled toward me. I spun around and looked up at him in confusion. "I was wondering if you could help Logan and Storm in the danger room."

"Why me," I asked as my fur pricked. "I mean I'm flattered but isn't this Scott's class to teach?"

The Professor nodded before he looked toward the window. "Yes but Scott's been very unfocused lately and in the danger room you have to be focused. Also Storm just sent word that he hadn't shown up and Poultice, Keen, Echo, and Feldspar are in there so I was wondering if you could help Logan and Storm out."

I shrugged. "Sure. I don't have a class for another few periods anyway. However have you tried talking to Scott about his attitude?"

"I've tried," whispered the Professor so my pups couldn't hear. "He just doesn't want to hear it."

My shoulders slumped. "I understand grief but this is beyond grief. This is depression," I murmured before I shook my head a bit. "But it's not my place to say anything. Besides he's probably afraid to death of me since last time I saw him I nearly killed him for shooting a plasma ray at my pups."

The Professor sighed and massaged his temples with his palms. "Well thanks for covering for him and I promise that your pups are in good hands."

I flicked my tail and dipped my head. "Thanks Professor. I'll see you later." With that I turned and strode out of the Professor's room, ready to lead danger room.

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