Ch. 1 - Royal Blood

Start from the beginning

As soon as it is placed on my head, I begin to feel the intense and heavy weight of the crown. I can feel my muscles tense and my mind fills with dark and dreary thoughts of inadequacy.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we give you a new Queen," he announces with exuberance. They all bow their heads in respect and I bite the insides of my cheeks. I look out to the faces watching me like hawks and try to memorize this moment. This is the moment things will change for everyone, especially me. A new Kingdom means a change in the government. It will no longer be seven kingdoms, but eight.

On top of finding our new enemy and killer, I have to run a Kingdom of misfits and outcasts. My role in the Underworld covers all of it. The only jurisdiction I don't have is Inferus because that Kingdom is under Rathmoor and his father.

My vision falls on Valentine who is looking at me with a strong and supporting expression. 'You can do this.' He says in my mind. Immediately after hearing his soothing voice my entire body calms. I release my tight hold on the armrests and relax my shoulders.

I gulp down the insanely large lump of nerves in my throat and start breathing normally as Valentine makes his way over to me. He gracefully walks up the stairs and stops an arms width away.

In the most regal way, the handsome vampire bows his head. "Your Majesty." Valentine looks straight into my eyes as he straightens his posture. "You look beautiful tonight," he says while taking my hand and giving it a tender kiss.

He feels cold and it's concerning. He hasn't been feeding as he normally would.

"Oh, please," I roll my eyes, "I can't wait to get out of this dress."

A sly smirk plays on the corner of his lips and he lowers his head so that he can whisper in my ear. "Oh, neither can I."

Almost instantaneously, bursts of heat start erupting all over my body. Trust in Valentine to get me hot and bothered in the middle of a coronation. My coronation to be exact. The heat collects in one place and I place one leg over the other to try and control myself.

"Is that so?" I reply coyly.

"It is, indeed," His voice is husky and almost makes me melt into the throne. "You might need some help taking it off."

"It is a bit tight."

"Then I'll see you tonight." I bite down on my teeth as he pulls back and gives me a mischievous grin. I shake my head and give him a small smile in return as he makes his way down into the crowd. My eyes follow his broad shoulders as he decides to mingle with King Rowland and his wife.

After Astor's and Augustine's death, Valentine has become detached and I don't blame him, he lost two significant people in his life and I've never felt so much sympathy for another creature.

The difference between the two us is is that he hides his feelings well. I, on the other hand, do not. He always seems to know if there is something on my mind.

I hear a faint voice in my head but I can't distinguish the words. I don't understand. As I was about to stand, I feel a hot hand on my shoulder. "Saphira," he says.

Confused and slightly disoriented, I shake my head and look up. Instead of seeing the usual calming blue orbs, I see the dark, soulless eyes of the infamous Demon King.

"Rath," I acknowledge quietly. What's he doing here? He hasn't shown his face since the battle. Which is surprising because he always manages to pop in at random times. After the deal we made, he has not left my mind. I know he's watching and he's waiting for me to drop dead so collect my soul.

Rathmoor is not someone who should become your friend or your enemy. He's the most powerful demon to walk the earth, even more than Datura ever was. I might have made an obvious mistake of making a deal with him.

"Do you normally space out like that?" He asks, mocking me, with his hand still resting on my shoulder. "Just curious."

I move my body to shake his hand off and he pulls it away to place it behind his back.

"If you have come here to mock me, now is not the time," I say with a neutral expression. I have to remember that anyone and everyone can see me and showing my true emotions may confuse them. Anger and frustration is not something they should see on my first day as Queen.

"Well, I did try to get your attention but you were too busy staring at the wall like a lost kitten," he says, trying to justify himself. He also managed to reference the awful nickname he has given me. "But now that I have it, I would like to congratulate you."

"Hm," I roll my eyes. "You don't seem like the type to congratulate."

"I'm a lot of things, Kitten," he says with a smug look on his face. "You'd be surprised."

"Oh, believe me, I am." Always.

"I'm just here to remind you of our little agreement," he offers in a serious tone. "I have an hourglass sitting on my nightstand with your name on it."

"I know," I say through my teeth. Of course, I remember. He's giving me time to be on earth until he can solve the dilemma between me and Scarlett. A mystery without an expiration date. He has refused to give me a length of time and he has told me that I have until he's going to take me. Which means I can go at any time.

He leans on closer and I cringe as his hot breath tickles my ear and neck. "The connection between your soul and body is getting weaker. I say we make a few minor adjustments." He pauses to look at my annoyed expression. Rath ignores it and continues. "Since you have Scarlett's body, you can help me figure out how she's in Inferus and you aren't. In exchange for that, I'll give you a longer time on earth."

"Sounds like you'll be working me to death," I scoff.

"Well, technically, yes," he chuckles lightly. "But everyone has to die at some point. You, you have had your chance. Not everyone gets a deal like yours."

I blink my eyes, not wanting to show him my true emotions. My feelings of regret for the life I was given. I didn't live like I was supposed to. I spent a large chunk of my life not wanting to be anything and now I have to pay for it.

"Fine," I reply through my teeth. I look out to the crowd and lock gazes with Valentine. "I'll help you. But we can't let Valentine know, he has too much on his mind already."

Rath let's out a snicker and turns his body around. "Don't forget, Kitten. You only get one life, don't waste it."

I won't.

And I can't.

Because everyone's life depends on it.

For a second, the space around me seems too big, too open. I push myself out of the chair and let the black dress flow around me and Cascade into the floor. I need a moment alone and a more intimate place to think.

All heads turn my way as I make my way down the stairs. I see Amaryllis and Valentine look at me with concern and I ignore them. Right now, the only thing that is important to me is finding a place of solace.

As soon as my eyes leave Valentine's face I catch a glimpse of something to shouldn't be seeing. Something that has ceased to exist in this world and should never be back. Goosebumps start riddling my skin as I watch it stare back at me and walk away. The heat that was circulating my body feels as if it has turned into molten lava.

I can feel beads of sweat on my forehead and neck. It feels as if power is being drained from me and the more I stare the more I feel an intense amount of energy being pulled from me. I must be hallucinating.

My breathing deepens and I clutch onto my rapidly beating heart.

She's dead. That can't be.


Guys, I think a ship war is about to start. Idk how I feel about it.

Sorry, it was such a short chapter.

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