Ch. 1 - Royal Blood

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I am so, terribly sorry for the long wait. I had to rewrite three times.

I appreciate all the support that you all have given me. Sickly, Sweet is approaching 1M and I cannot believe it!

For those who have stuck around, I wish I could hug you in person.

Here we are.
Enjoy. :)

Playlist is on Spotify it's called Bittersweet


A marriage between light and dark is a beautiful dance created under the moonlight of a heavenly array of stars.


It's not easy to accept knowing that the odds are definitely not in your favor. At this point, we might as well give up. I thought I would at least have a bit more peace now that Datura is out of the picture, but fate has a funny way of making sure everything goes her way. Right now, her will is not aligning with mine.

Two weeks ago, we defeated who we thought was our greatest enemy but we were too occupied to notice another. One that was lurking in the shadows, waiting for darkness to overcome us. We should have seen it coming and I keep blaming myself for not keeping an eye open. Now the entire vampire kingdom is relying on us to fix this controversial dilemma.

Our opponent waited and watched, and maybe even interfered.

The crowd is silent. It's the kind of silence that makes you want to rethink everything you just did. I never thought I'd be walking down an aisle, much less an aisle leading to my future but today, I am. It's a nerve-wracking experience that tests your ability to do simple things, such as walking. The pace I'm going in is sluggish and I reckon it's because of my obvious hesitance to proceed with the ceremony.

The Grand Council deemed it necessary to put a crown over my head to officially announce my reign over the dark forest of Acacia. A questionable ceremony to have since there really isn't much to govern. A few nightshades here and there, maybe, and a handful of darklings. I remember wiping out what's left of Datura's dark faes. It's a shame really, they are such beautiful and entrancing creatures.

I put one leg after another, making sure I don't trip over the length of this dress. Amaryllis thought it would be 'iconic' to place me in a long, form-fitting, backless dress. The thigh-high slit helps in maneuvering, but it doesn't help the situation at all. I can feel the curiosity and suspicion in their minds and I want to know what it is they are thinking - especially what they think of me.

As I approach the same throne that Datura once sat in, I quickly turn my attention to each representative of the Seven Kingdoms. All alined on either side of the throne, they anxiously wait and watch me with very observant eyes.

With Datura dead everyone has had the chance to breathe a little. The other Kingdoms have made arrangements to strengthen their defenses. The witches of Elriel were successful in reinstalling barriers between kingdoms.

King Acarius of Elriel, who stands at the head, nods in acknowledgment and gestures for me to take a seat.

"We welcome you all to the start of a new era," he commences. "The crowning of a new Queen."

A slim, white-haired fae, comes in a sharp black suit and presents the glittering crown that will sit on my head until I die.

"After much deliberation, we have come to an agreement that Saphira, will be the first reigning Monarch of Tenebria, Kingdom of Darkness and all that dwells in it. This will include places such as Talmira and Acacia."

Surprised gasps and shocked whispers fill the massive room as the crown makes it's way to me. The only thought in my mind is, 'What the fuck.' As informal and immature as it is, it's the only three words that can describe my feelings, and everyone's for that matter. I'm as shocked as they are.

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