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Blood squirted out with an unsatisfying noise with every strike of the sword. "This is for Amphrite." Stab. "This is for the Maeda family and countless others you slaughtered."

Stab. Squelch.

"And this?" Ares leaned in close, watching the terror in the woman's eyes. No, not just a woman. The monster who had given birth to him. "This is for me."

The whole throne room was filled with the coppery stench of blood, but he didn't care. She deserved to suffer, for all she'd done.

Ares raised the sword again, but stopped, noticing the light draining from Amira's eyes.

He took a step back.

The sword fell to the ground with a clanging noise that echoed throughout the room. What had he done?

Killed his own mother, that's what. And before he knew it, Ares began to cry.

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