🌌 (Excerpt)

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Yo what do y'all think of this flash back I've written so far

A tall throne of polished obsidian sat in front of me, a cold air seeming to resonate from the chair, chilling me all the way down to my bones. Iron surrounded me- on my wrists, on my ankles, my neck, nulling my powers and my strength, reducing my senses to little more than nothing.  There was a dull ache in my head- sleep, sleep, lay down and sleep- I couldn't. Not here, not now, not soon. Danger was everywhere in this kingdom that wasn't my own.

"So this is the legendary Briar Rosenfall." A voice much like silk purred, amusement in her tone. I looked up to see the face of Amira Blackwell, a barbed crown perched on her head. Every inch of her glistened- from the scales on her face, to her pitch black armor, to  the numerous rings and necklaces adorning her body. Danger, the voice in my head whispered to me. Run and hide. "You're... younger than I was expecting. Prettier too, I suppose. What a pity... A precious little treasure in a throne room of nightmares."

Her face shifted to match the fake sincerity of her tone, a mask of pity. Poor you, poor you, poor you, she seemed to say, but remained poised to strike. "Little treasure... I know just where to hide you. After all, the fae would never dare to venture into my treasure trove. How does an expedition into the gem mines sound, hm? You get a glimpse of the process behind constructing that adorable crown of yours."

It didn't sound good, or fun, or anything other than tragic. She controlled those mines, inside and out. At a moment's notice, a cart could accidentally land on top of me. Crushing the heir to my throne to death. What a terrible ending for a princess, the people would say. That poor Rosenfall girl..sad, it is. And no one would blink an eye. Within months, I'd be forgotten, another skeleton residing among the fruits of my labor.

"Better than returning to Court, it seems." I murmured through clenched teeth. "Thank you for your..generosity."

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