The house was dark except for the glow from the Christmas tree in the sitting room. Harry sat on the couch and pulled me down next to him.

"I'm not going to be able to fall asleep yet. How about you?"

"Same." I pulled my knees up to my chest and stared at the tree. We sat in silence for awhile, the only sounds coming from the heating system.

"Twenty questions?"


"Twenty questions. Do you want to play twenty questions?"

I nodded my head slowly. "Okay, but you first."

We started going back and forth asking eachother questions. I'm pretty sure we had passed twenty each awhile ago, but we just kept going.


*Gemma POV*

I walked down the hall, the dim lights from the sitting room marking my path. I turned the corner, heading to the kitchen to get a drink of water, but something caught my eye and stopped me in my tracks.

I turned towards the sitting room and crossed my arms over my chest. There laying on the floor, was Harry and Laney. Normally I would just let this go, I mean it's not a big deal. They are just sleeping.

I battled with myself on what I should do. She's married. This could end really badly. Maybe they're just really, REALLY good friends. I couldn't help but wonder where her husband was in all of this. Why did she come over here on Christmas? Why was she staying the night without calling him? At least I hadn't seen her call him anyways.

I wanted to ask Harry more questions like how long they had known eachother and how they became friends with her being married and all. Maybe she goes to the same school as him. Maybe they work together.

I decided I needed to do something. I gently nudged Harry's shoulder. He stirred a little and then blinked his eyes a few times.

"What's wrong Gem?" HIs voice was deep and raspy, and he rubbed at his eyes, trying to open them more.

I motioned towards the two of them and Harry looked over at Laney.

"What is it?"

"Harry!" I whisper yelled. "She's married. What do you think you two are doing."

Harry's eyes widened a bit when he realized what I was saying. He quickly tried to pull his body away but Laney started to stir and she held on tighter.

Harry looked up at me, a panic on his face. I shrugged my shoulders, not sure what to tell him.

"We're just friends," He whispered. "I swear."

I shook my head and walked to the kitchen to get my water. When I came back out, there was soft snores coming from each of them, still tangled up in each other.

This was not going to end well.


*Laney POV* 

I stretched and rolled over. I felt the slight rise and fall of something beneath me. I lifted my head, placing my chin on what I thought was my pillow. I nearly had a heartattack when I saw that my pillow was a person.

I looked around, searching for someone that would be watching us. No one was seen. I looked at the boy next to me. I barely knew him and yet here we were, sleeping next to eachother on his sitting room floor. Normally I would be freaking out, especially since I have a husband, well not really a good husband. But right now I figured Chad wasn't here, and we were just sleeping, nothing bad happened, so who cares.

Unplanned {Harry Styles Fanfic}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon