Chapter 14: To The House Of Murder

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I feel the coolness of my skin, the wind pulling my blonde locks, and Violet by my side. The temperature of the street is peaceful on my skin, and it seems to be helping me cool down from the psychotic breakdown I had at the school, and against the dead breakfast club. Honestly, it felt good, really god damn good, even if I did go overboard on things; you know, bashing Amir's head into a simple concoction of brain matter and bone. The only reason why I stopped, was because I could feel how scared Violet was, that's why I had to find our way out of that place. I can feel my heart bashing against my chest, and Violet's heart bashing against her own, which makes me feel safer, how close we are is angelic. I feel her warmth against me, and then I tremble; whether there's something wrong, or I'm being overwhelmed by my love for the girl beside me. My knees hit the ground, and I can feel the blood in my throat begin to rise again, which causes me to puke onto the cement, that's when I feel Violet's arms on me once again.

"Tate?" Violet says to me. helping me up. "I asked you a question."
"I'm sorry, Vi, what did you ask me?" I choke, falling back to the ground, the rising sun at the edge of my vision.
"Are. You. Okay?" she asks slowly.
I stare at the reflection that ricochets off my blood, and all I can see is me, starring back with those markings. But the part that scares me is it doesn't seem like me anymore; the face, the eyes, everything isn't me anymore.
"I guess," I choke again, puking all over the cement some more. "It's not like I can die, babe."
"I know, but still," she pauses, making me look up at her crossed arms. "You fucking scared me, Tate. Do you know that? You've processed that in the brain that is still inside of your head?! Notice how I didn't say mind? Why?! Because I don't know whether it's you or the other guy in front of me right now, you called yourself Taint for fuck sake, and it sounded like you accepted what has happened to you-"
"It's me, Vi, I swear," I say, finding myself to my feet.
"Yeah?! Well, prove it!" Violet snarls at me, turning herself around to face away from me.
I grab her shoulders, rubbing them softly as I move towards her neck. I can smell the violet perfume in her hair, on her skin, it's branded her. I kiss her neck, feeling her shiver violently, and even gasp at my touch. I feel her shift around towards me, her hands on my shoulders, and her face only an inch away from me. I don't think anything could ruin this beautiful moment with Violet, nothing in this god damn world.

You're a psychopath, Tate, and the worst kind.
You need to pay for what you've done.
I'm always going to be a part of you, ALWAYS!
You'reBut, Tate, you are the darkness.
You killed us, Tate, all of us.
All of you had to do, was put that gun down.
You piece of shit, I was going to leave with him and you ruined all of it!
You killed my mother!
You're not a person, you're a monster.

I launch myself away from Violet, in fear of me hurting her. I hit the front of the fence posts, starring at the Murder House, and that's when I see it, starring at me through the window. The rubber suit, the suit I swear I destroyed, someone is inside of it, mocking me, trying to make me feel worse and worse. They place one finger over their mouth like they're shushing me, which makes me shake in fear. It begins to unzip the mask, and when it does, there stares my face, smirking at me with evil eyes. Am I dreaming? Or is this really god damn happening right now?
"Tate?" I hear Violet say to me. "Listen to my voice, listen to me. The sun is about to come up, we probably have a few minutes before it does. We have to go through those gates, now, I don't know what will happen to us if we don't."
"We'll be trapped," I explain. "Out here, forever, and worse, we'll never be able to see anyone else, ever again. I won't be able to see Vivien, Ben, Nora, you, I won't even be able to see anyone on Halloween. You should go, Vi, leave me where I belong; with the rest of the monsters."
"Don't say that, please. You don't deserve to be out here, nobody does, especially not you. So please, Tate, come back with me, I can help you. I know, I've said that hundreds of times, and I'm yet to prove that, but please, I won't stop until you're finally cured of being tainted."

I stare up at Vi, tears roll down her face, and her shallow eyes stare back at me. Staring at her more and more makes me feel teary-eyed, and in a matter of seconds, I can feel cold tears running down my face. I stand up, embracing Violet in a hug like it's going to be our last, and the feeling, just makes me feel worse, and cry more.
"I love you, Tate, you're the only joy I've experienced since I overdosed. I need you, Tate, I need you and if I lose you, I don't know what will happen to me."
I can feel my heart aching in my chest, I've never felt so terrible in my god damn life. I'm breaking the love of my life's heart all over again, and it makes me feel evil like I really am Taint, but on the inside. I can feel the warmth from the sun, which indicates one thing; I have a few seconds to make my god damn decision.
"I- I love you, Violet, but I- I can't."
One look in her eyes triggers me, the look of sadness made me see her future. She'd die inside without me, she'd turn into something worse than Taint, she'd make herself suffer just as I did. I can't let her, I can't let her become the thing I did. In a sudden outburst, I grab her waist, and I watch as the sun just misses us, as I launch both of us inside of those gates. I've managed to get us back to the house of murder, but, what happens now?

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