Chapter 12: Visits

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I feel the cold air against my pale, marked skin, it feels amazing, like taking in my first breaths all over again. I feel like I've been born again, re-formed into the world of the living, although Taint is still inside of my head, for the first time, I ignore the idea. I stare at the streets, wondering if anything has changed, but so far I haven't been able to spot anything different. My curiosity begins to get to me, making me feel like I've never even seen these streets before, it's overwhelming, but in an amazing way. I scream at the top of my lungs in excitement, but nobody comes out to tell me to shut up, they mustn't be able to hear me... interesting. I slowly turn to face the house I had just left behind so suddenly, nobody is there, which is confusing, it's either I can't see them, or nobody is actually there. That's when I face my old house, the place the cocksucker lives in, the one place I swore I'd never go back to, but I have to, I have to do this. Killing Constance will free me finally, of her greed and her grasp, I'll be finally able to control my own actions without that cunt appearing in my head over and over again. But that's when I remember a teeny tiny being that lives in the house; Michael.

I spot Constance through the god damn window, and that sparks something inside, something I know will turn out to be volatile. My anger begins to consume me, knowing that Michael is living with that whore brings me into a trance, and I black out. I can feel myself walking, but I have no idea where, oh fuck. Has Taint taken over again? Have I allowed him access to mere anger? No, no, no, this feels really different than that, I feel more in control. I come to so suddenly, and like that, I'm at the front door, so close it seems like I was trying to see through it. My eyes meet the doorknob, making me contemplate my next move; do I kill her? Or do I walk away?
"Choices, choices. You know which one is the right one, Tate, you're smart."
"Why are you here? Now, out of any moment?" I ask the voice in my head.
"Michael is in there, being treated like the 'perfect' son, but you know better. Make her suffer, Tate, for everything she has done to you, Adelaide and Beau. She has to pay, but, the choice is yours. I don't need to influence you for this part, I already know what decision you'll make."
He's right, for once, I'm going to listen to Taint, he knows what decision I'm going to make. The anger doesn't only control me, but it makes me feel, incredible. I turn the doorknob, but obviously, it's locked, making me angrier. I twist it harder, feeling the lock break in my grip, that's when I open the door, preparing myself for the evil deed.

I creep my way towards the kitchen, hearing plates and cups bang together, she's doing the dishes, and a sudden sound of cooing has to be Michael. I walk past the lounge room, and at the edge of the kitchen, seeing a block of knives, only to grip and tear one from it. I stop, standing a meter away from Constance as she does the dishes, gripping the knife tightly in my hand. Anger gets to me, and I slam the knife into the table, making Constance drop a plate and smash into a hundred pieces.
"Jesus, Michael, what I have told you about- Tate?" She says as she turns to face Michael, only to see me in the way of her eyes.
I watch her as she grabs another knife, clearly to defend herself from everything, but being what I am, it won't help her.
"Hello, Constance."
"How are you- What are y- It's not Halloween, how are you here?" She asks, clearly terrified of the way I look. "What has happened to you, you look- different."
"I somehow found my way through, and what has happened to me is the reason I'm here. All the stress you put me through, made me, different, made me form a second personality-"
"So," she interrupts me, snarling. "You're blaming me for what you did to those students, and everyone else you've hurt; the gay couple, the Harmons, an exterminator for Christ sake. You don't get to blame that on me!" She screams.
"Oh yes!" I scream back. "I do! Because of you, I let my demons take control, which caused every bad thing I've ever done. It changed everything about me; my personality, even caused the appearance of these tattoos. They were from my dreams, but it's obvious now, it was never a dream, was it? I know what you did, Constance, you killed Dad, Beau, and you basically killed Addie."
"I loved Addie," Constance snarls.
"Perhaps, just not the way you should have," I finish. "You don't seem so happy to see your 'perfect' son, oh wait, with these markings, I'm not perfect anymore, am I? Now, Constance, sit the fuck down, now!"

To my delight, in fear, she does exactly what I tell her to, sitting down in the chair opposite to my son.
"So, how has he been? Keeping healthy, warm and well fed?" I ask her, clearly referring to Michael.
"Yes, I've made sure of that-"
"Well, I guess you have to do at least one nice thing in your life, Constance. Don't expect a fucking thank you either, this isn't a god damn charity."
"Well," Constance scoffs, starring at Michael. "Why are you here then? To kill me?"
"That is one of the main focuses, yes. But I also wanted to see him, I wanted to see Michael," I explain. "Then after he falls to sleep, I'll deal with you, and I will take Michael with me to the house."
"I CAN DO WHAT I WANT ONCE I'M RID OF YOU!" I scream, pulling the knife from the table and pointing it towards her.
I can feel my blood boiling, I really do hate her, so fucking much. I'd do anything to be rid of her, and I think I will, but not with Michael watching. My boiling rage is suddenly weakened, when I hear the cooing of Michael's soft voice.

I stare at Michael, his adorable chocolate brown eyes, just like mine. I watch his hand as it slowly springs out, asking for my hand to join with his, he doesn't seem to be afraid of the way I look. I place my tattooed handout, watching as he places it on my own. He smiles at me, his dimples making me smile, even managing to fade the markings on my hand for a brief moment.
"He's so beautiful, but, he's far from perfect."
"Daddy," Michael coos, his tiny little hand grabbing my palm.
The sound of the phone ringing breaks me from my concentration, making Constance jump nearly out of her chair, which makes me chuckle. She places the phone to her ear, then stares at me.
"It's for you," she states. "It's Violet."
I snatch the phone from Constance, taking it to my ear, already hearing the sound of Violet's sobbing voice.
"Tate?! Please, Tate, don't do anything you'll regret! I beg you, please!" Violet cries out.
I stare over at Constance before saying my next words, knowing that it will be more effective if I do so.
"I'm so sorry, Vi, but I have to do this. I have to kill her."

I pick up Michael from his high-chair, embracing him in a father-son hug, feeling his adorableness.
"I'm so sorry, for everything, Michael. I'm not the father you deserve, and I sure as... I shouldn't have done what I did to your mother. I'm a monster, and you shouldn't have to be the son of a monster."
I find my way to the stairs, taking my son to his room, knowing that Constance had changed my room to his. I arrive in my old room, admiring how adorable Michael is when he's sleeping as I place him in his cot. For some odd reason, Constance followed upstairs, maybe she's prepared for her fate.
"You know, Constance, I'm never going to say this ever again. This is the first time I've ever been a good person, and it's a son that should have never been born," I pause, staring at my beautiful Michael. "He's so gorgeous, and it pains me to think that he was born because of something I did, that was wrong."
I turn around, facing Constance, staring into her fear filled eyes. This is it, the moment I've been waiting for, I finally get to do it, I've been wanting to do this since I was seventeen. Goodbye Constance.

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