Chapter 13: Returning To The Beginning

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I sit on the porch of Murder House, waiting patiently for anything; a scream, yelling, Michael crying. Anything would be great right now, even if it isn't exactly, positive. I don't feel bad for Constance. she had this coming a very long time ago, hell, she even tried to poison me with a laced cupcake. Lucky for me though, when those three pricks tried to murder me and my mom, one of the bitches ate it, spewed her guts out all over the place before Tate cut her down with an axe. He was protecting me, so I won't let him feel bad about that murderous bitch, as well as the other two. Tate's family was dysfunctional, sure, but it wasn't one-hundred percent destructive. There was Constance Langdon, the devil in human form, always making sure that the worst of things happen, and to her excitement, they normally did. Then there was the innocence; Beau and Addie, they suffered just because they were different because their minds were set more than cruelty. Then, there was Tate Langdon, the devil trying his hardest to be an angel; constantly trying to fit in, be somehow he wanted to be. He loved his siblings equally, but all of that pressure got to him, he was pushed over the edge. But where is he now?
"I need you, Tate, please come back to me."
"I just did."

I stare over at the fence, Tate stands there, no sign of blood anywhere, so it's either he committed a clean kill, or he did something else.
"Is she," I pause.
"Dead?" he asks, to which I nod my head. "No. I left before I could, too much bullshit in that house, I had to leave."
He speaks like he just wanted to leave the house, but I know there's something more to it. He didn't kill her for a reason, I just need to figure out why, that's when his eyes begin to tear up, and in disbelief, ink begins to drain from his eyes. I think what I am seeing, and then it hits me, he's becoming more like Taint the longer he's out there. I have to do something, and soon.
"I saw Michael. He's, so god damn beautiful, I took him to his room, watched him as he fell asleep in my arms. He really is an angel, and that destroys me. One day, that child is going to ask, who his daddy is, and Constance is going to tell him who I am, what I am, and what I did. And that terrifies me, more than Taint, more than everything, but losing you, Violet," he stares up at me. "If you don't understand by now, I need you in my life, you're not a want, you're a need in my life."
"I'm always going to be there for you, Tate," I state. "So is my mom, dad, Nora, Moira, Patrick, everyone is here for you. You just need to come back to us."
"Not yet," he says, wiping the ink from his cheek. "There's one more place I have to go to, and I want you to come with me."
I watch as his hand leans towards me, his tattoos on his hand fading as it reaches past the gate and into my own. I should stop him, but I don't want to, I love him, and I never want to let him go again. He yanks me past the gate, and into the streets, and like that, we disappear.

We appear within the hall of a place, and the more I stare at it, the more I recognise the hall; Westfield High. Tate stands beside, his face grey and his eyes looking shallow; he's terrified of this place, every part about it makes him want to burst into tears. I watch him as he moves towards one of the lockers, his head leaning into the metal when he reaches it.
"Tate?" I ask. "Are you okay?"
"This is- the place I took my first ever life; Mark Finstein. I just walked straight up to him and shot him in the skull, blew half his face off."
"Did you feel anything from it all, the whole thing?" I ask him.
"No. Not really, I don't remember much from it, but then again, I don't want to. I felt, kinda' numb, but then, the more I think about it," he stops for a moment. "I felt terrified, terrified of the actions I was committing. I felt like a monster had taken over my body. Then, I killed more, and more, and more. That was the day I became Taint Langdon."
"That's bullshit, and you know that!" I snap, leaning on the locker next to him. "You were changed, Constance did that, not you. She pushed you over the edge-"
"Yeah, but she didn't pull the fucking trigger, Vi, did she?!" he snaps back, punching the locker beside me so hard, the metal bends inwards. "I DID THIS!"
I don't feel sad, just mad, I'm trying to help him, and he's being a child.
"Calm down, Tate," I order him. "Now."

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