Chapter 11: Crossing The Unknown

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This is the meeting we cannot skip, the sheer importance apprehends everyone in the room, everyone that cares for Tate, condemning them into the worry I have to face every second I'm with him. I've gathered the people I knew would be willing to help; my dad, mom, Nora, Moira, Patrick, and god knows why, but I also put Hayden into consideration. After his little break-down, Tate fell asleep, passed out actually, I was surprised about how quickly he fell asleep, but then again, he used all of his energy crying in the corner of the hall. He really did freak me out, pushed me over the edge, as well as my patience, this is why we have to talk about our game plans, because Tate needs us more than ever, and I can't be the only person holding him together. Everyone is patient, ready to listen, and that's what I want, I want them to be ready because I feel like this isn't going to be the only meeting we have.

"Thank you all for being here tonight," I say, staring at every member in the room. "As you all know, this meeting is about Tate, and what we're going to do to make sure he finds a way to himself again. I don't know about any of you, but I miss the old Tate, the Tate I had those months ago, I need him back. This is why I need all of you here tonight, so we can find a way to keep him from doing anything bad to himself. I'm going to start with a question, to Nora."
"I'm willing to do anything to get the beautiful loving boy that Tate is back, so, ask away Violet," Nora states, smiling.
"Being his adoptive parent, and being here when Tate became a ghost, has he ever been like this? The tattoos, the violent behaviour, the crazy way he's been acting. Has this ever happened to him before?"
"Not that I can recall. He's had his moments of rage before, but that was before he was a ghost, never before have I seen him the way he is now," Nora explains. "The closest thing to this that I've witnessed, was that night those three people tried to kill you and Vivien. He was with me when they showed up, and when he saw what they were trying to do, he filled with, a rage I've never seen before. He killed two of those three people that night, axed one of the girls down and drowned the guy. I don't know if he ever told you that."
"No, he never told me that, he may have committed murder, but it was to protect me and my mom. Thank you, Nora."

Truth is coming out already, which is good, we're making progress already. Soon we'll be constructing a plan that will cure him of Taint's influence, it's either that, or we'll have to somehow tear it out of him, permanently.
"I will admit, Vi," my dad starts. "Tate saw me in my office today, and he said that he was 'fine', it is now clear to me that he lied."
"Yeah, he definitely did," I agree.
"I have my regrets, Vi, I shouldn't have ever called him a psychopath, I'm really sorry. I-"
"Dad, it's in the past, let's just find a way to make his life easier, okay?"
"Okay," my dad agrees.
"Tate has always been concerning, I hated him at one stage, but, I've never seen him like this before. I thought he was just a psycho, but after learning the truth about what really lies inside of his brain," Patrick pauses. "I find it easier to understand why he's done the things he's done."
"Moira?" I ask, welcoming her thoughts.
"I'm really much help, but what I know is that Tate has always been an emotional kid. He's kind, but no offence to him or anything, but he does have some mental issues, we're all aware of that."
"I just want to help him, Violet, I know I'm not the most trustworthy person ever, but I care about Tate's well being," Hayden states. "And whatever you do, I'm going to help."

"We just need to figure out a way to stop him from hurting himself, like a support group or something. I love him, he's my everything, he's Nora's son, and he needs all of our help. But there are two terms; don't crowd him, make sure to give him his space, and two, make sure that he's himself, and not his other self. Does everyone agree to help me find a way to help him?"
"Yes," everyone agrees, making me smile.
"Violet, honey," I mother starts. "I know he's made mistakes in the past, but he doesn't deserve to go down the path he continues to go down. He's a sweet, beautiful boy, and he doesn't deserve to be haunted by a voice in his god damn head."
"But that's when you're wrong, Vivien," I voice says from the door.
I turn to face the door, seeing Tate, all dressed in black, just like the night where those thugs attacked Nora. But why? His eyes are dark, mellow and provocative, he looks crazy, like Taint has full control of him. This can't be good, I need to do something.
"I deserve everything that happens to me."
"Tate," I stand up slowly, staring at him. "You're, sick, but I can help-"
Tate chuckles, his breath slurring mid-laugh, with his dimples antagonising me. "You- you really think you can help me, Vi?! You of all people should know how far gone I am, crazy, psychotic."
"That isn't you," Nora adds, standing up as I take a step forward.
"Please, nobody comes near me, I don't want to hurt you," Tate begs. "You're all in danger if I stay here, I have to go, I mean, at least I've found a reason to leave."
"Where do you think you are going, Tate?" Ben asks.
"I'm going to visit the cocksucker, and I'm going to rip out her throat."

Tate opens the front door, heading straight outside in a rush, causing everyone to follow him as quickly as possible. I pursue him, following out the front of Murder House, and when I see him, he's inches away from the fence that separates the living from the dead.
"Tate, baby, come back here. We can fight this, together, you promised we will-"
"No, Vi! We can't, it's useless trying!" Tate screams.
"Come back to me, child," Nora begs.
"We can help you, dude," Patrick adds.
"We just need you to come back to us," Hayden finishes.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! GET OUT! GET OUT OF MY FUCKEN HEAD!" he screams at the top of his lungs, even the dead would be able to hear him.
"What do you think is going to happen, Tate?" My dad asks. "That you'll just walk through those fences like they don't exist? No, you'll just be sent back here."
"No, I won't," Tate snarls.

Tate takes a step towards the gate, grabbing it and opening it. He stares over to all of us, that's when his eyes meet mine.
"I'm so sorry, Vi, I love you so much. But I can't be trusted, not with you, your family, not even with my own fucken' mother. I have to do this, or I'll tear myself apart just like before."
He takes his first step towards the streets in front of Murder House, and I can't believe what I see, his feet pass the gate. He crosses the line Ghosts cannot; it's not Halloween, so this should be impossible. And like that, he disappears into the darkness of the real world, Tate has crossed the unknown, and we have no idea how.

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