29; Bad Boy's Perspective

Start from the beginning

I go out the back door and pull a cigarette out of my pocket. "You carry cigarettes with you while boxing?"

I make sure to close the door behind me. "I carry cigarettes everywhere I go. You never know when you might need it."

I hand her a cigarette. She grabs it with her teeth and waits for me to light mine so I can light hers. We both stand in silence, slowly finishing our cigarettes. I could definitely use a cigarette before having to deal with Eleanor.

I am only halfway done with my cigarette when I toss it to the ground and step on it. I don't give her a chance to ask me whether I am done before I am grabbing her cigarette and throwing it away. I wrap my hand around her neck, pushing her against the brick wall.

She gasps but and then laughs afterwards. Her laugh slowly turns into a wheeze as I tighten my grip around her neck. Her face morphs into panic as she claws at my arm. "What do you know about Eric?"

I loosen my grip on her throat. She inhales a quick breath before letting out a sardonic laugh. "Did that slut snitch on me? I knew she couldn't keep her mouth shut."

"That's not what I asked. Answer my question."

Her eyes are wide, daring me to end her life right now. "Sweet boy, you're not getting anything out of me."

I push her head against the wall harder. She flinches in pain. "I can do this all day, Eleanor. Eric's not here to save you so you might as well start talking."

"You're stupid if you think you're his main target. You and Leah don't mean shit to him." She coughs once. "Who do you think got your cheating whore of a mother in the hospital? You're just a side quest for Eric to kill so he can get to your mother."

Leah's Point of View

I am sitting on my bed, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt nervously. It's 5 p.m. How long does Hunter need to get Eleanor to spill something? No matter how much I would love to see her hurt, I am hoping Hunter isn't beating her up right now. I would love to see her locked up behind bars, though.  

I pick up my phone and dial Matthew. "Matt, I need your help. Can you give me a lift?"

"Where to?"

"I'll tell you on the way. Please, I know I owe you one."

"Alright. I'll be there in ten."

I get dressed and go downstairs, telling my mum and dad I'm going to Matt's place to study. I make sure to show them my book-filled bag before walking out the door to make it seem a little more believable.

I open the door, flinging my bag into the backseat of Matt's car before sitting down on the passenger seat. He seems to be amused at my rushed actions.

"Are you running away?" He asks.

I point to the right to tell him to go that way. "No. There's something important that I gotta do."

"But you're not going to tell me what it is?"

"I don't really think that's a good idea."

"Alright, fine, but can you at least tell me where we're going?"

"'Matt, please. I'm too stressed out for an interrogation right now."  I immediately curse at myself for being such a bitch to someone who willingly gave up his time and effort to drop me off somewhere. "I'm sorry. I'm just not exactly in a Christmas mood right now."

"It's fine. I feel that way sometimes. Should we stay in this lane?"

"Yeah. Just keep going straight."

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