"We're Kinda Like Romeo And Juliet."

Depuis le début

Chase was never free to do anything, thanks to his controlling adoptive mother. That spot was Chase's own little portal. He'd sneak out to see Darling and she'd sneak in to see him. Although they hadn't seen much of each other lately, except on the battle field.

Darling carefully removed the bricks one by one, and slipped through the small hole. She quickly placed the bricks back in place. It was as if she was never there.

Darling made her way to a small building located next to the stables. It was the training building for the Red Queens army. It was also the home of Chase Redford.

Chase lived there not because he had to, but rather, because he wanted to. He had a small space all to himself and more importantly, away from his stepmother.

Darling quickly picked the lock on the door and entered the building. It was dark inside. She looked around, all the lights were off. She gulped. 

She rushed up a large staircase and walked down a long hallway. At the end of the hallway was a large sitting room. The room was simple containing, two large armchairs, a small table, and a fireplace with a low burning fire.

It was quiet and at first Darling didn't think anyone was in the room, until she saw something on the table. A small half filled glass sat there. Darling squeezed her eyes shut. She knew exactly what that meant.

Memories danced across her vision. She remembered Chase telling her how her first kill would effect her. He had told her that no matter what anyone else says, you never forget it.

And she never has.

It never should have happened, but it did. Darling was just trying to break up a rowdy bunch who was fighting. One of the men charged her from behind. She twirled to face him and drew her sword. She only drew her sword to scare him, but he ran right into it.

She remembered feeling her sword cut into his flesh. The drops of hot blood that flew onto her face. His scream.

The worst part was having to tell the man's family. Watching them as they broke down.

But Darling was the one who really broke down.

Despite Chase continually asking her, Darling had said she was fine. She wasn't. Darling had cried herself to sleep the first few nights. She would replay the scene in her head countless times. She would think of how easily her sword sliced into the man. It was too easy. And that's what scared her the most.

Killing shouldn't be that easy. But it was.

She should have listened. But she didn't.

Killing never was easy for Darling but somehow she managed through it. Chase had the same problem. No matter how many lives he took, he always felt horrible. It was never easy for him. So to take the edge off, Chase would always have a drink before his "assignments".

Darling always knew when Chase was about to fulfill his duties. Usually he never drank.

Her eyes fell back to the glass on the table. Chase was around here somewhere.

"Are you looking for someone?" A familiar voice asked.

Darling smiled as Chase stood up from one of the chairs. Her smile was short lived.

"I guess you know why I'm here then?"

"Well I haven't talked to you since this bloody war started, and now you've broken into my house in the middle of the night. I have a guess." Chase replied sarcastically.

"I just want to talk. I'm not going through with my orders, not tonight."

Chase pointed to her back. "Your sword begs to differ."

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