"We're Kinda Like Romeo And Juliet."

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*Warning this is a sad story. You have been warned.*

Even though she knew wonderland like the back of her hand she was lost. The great White Knight was lost. Darling wanted to punch herself, this was her old stomping ground. Why couldn't she remember where to go?

She had a good excuse though. It was hard to see anything in the dark. Her only light was the bright purple wonderland moon. And there was one other thing, Darling hadn't been in the Red Queen's kingdom in years.  

Two years ago wonderland broke out into a civil war. All three kingdoms were fighting for dominance. And Darling found herself caught in the middle of it. She hadn't seen her family since the war started, the Heart Kingdom shut the portal to Ever After. And since Darling was the best fighter, she lead every battle.

This was her dream come true. Wasn't it?

She then remembered her orders. The White Queen had been very clear with her instructions. Darling didn't agree with what was wanted of her-but she was only a knight and had no choice in the matter.

She had to finish her assignment or she'd be punished.

Darling always wanted to be a knight, but not like this.

She pushed all of her thoughts out of her head, and kept moving. She had to make to the Red Queens castle before dawn.

She thought back to when her best friend, Chase Redford, was training her. He was the Red Knight Of wonderland. He had been a knight for years when he started training Darling. He knew how it worked.

However, Darling was too naïve.

He tried to warn her of what it was really like. She ignored everything he told her. He tried to tell her that sometimes you received orders that you didn't agree with-orders that we're unjust.

She didn't think that was possible.

But now she knew the truth.

Before long, she could make out the shape of the Red Queen's castle. She was close, so she kept moving. Darling was very thankful that she found the castle when she did. She was tired of stomping through the woods.

She made it to her destination. In the pitch black, the once familiar mansion, looked dark and creepy. Darling stared at the black figure. She wanted so badly to turn the other way and run. It wouldn't end well if she ran, but if she went on with her orders...she'd never be able to live with herself.

Darling took a moment to look at the castle. In the daylight it looked beautiful. The castle itself was mostly red, with white and black accents. The wall surrounding the castle was made to look like giant chess pieces. Darling didn't care much for the castle itself, but she adored the wall.

The wall reminded her of when she first met Chase.

She took a deep breath, and run toward the back of the castle. If the White Queen had sent anyone else, they wouldn't have know how to break in unnoticed, but Darling wasn't just anyone.

She crouched down on the ground and started running her hands down the brick wall. She was looking for something. Something that was once very familiar to her.

Even though it was difficult in the dark, she found what she was looking for. The wall had a few loose bricks. It had been that way for years. It would have been fixed a long time ago if it was reported, but it never was.

Chase Redford was in charge of the reports.

He never fixed that loose spot in the wall because it meant something to him-Freedom.

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