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Taylor ran for her life in fear of what was chasing after her. It was raining outside and she was soaked. All she knew was that it was huge and super fast. She noticed the scent but couldn't put her finger on it. The thing finally caught you to her and pushed her down to the ground. She turned to face the thing, trying to see the thing clearly in the rain but only came face to face with her old best friend Crystal. But it wasn't her. It looked like her but the scent was not hers and her eyes were nothing but pure darkness. The thing looked at its clawed hand before smirking. Taylor tried to get up and run but something was holding her down. "Get away from me!" She hollered at it which only made it angry. I quickly sunk its claws into Taylor's stomach.

"Taylor! Taylor!" Stiles and Ian yelled frantically trying to find her. Then Ian caught the scent of blood, Taylor's blood. He ran deeper into to the woods with Stiles hot on his trail. Ian crouched down to the ground and examined some leaves that had her blood on it. "What?" Stiles asked not knowing what he was doing. "Something was chasing her. I'm guessing she fought them. There's a little of her blood here but it doesn't feel right." They continued to walk around until Stiles found a blood trail. It was everywhere and it was all Taylor's. "Ian it looks like she lost a lot of blood maybe even too much." Stiles' heart clenched he couldn't lose his mate, his wife, the mother of his kid. "No! No no no no." "What?" "Her scent just disappeared. How does that happen." Ian angrily knocked down a tree before letting out a long vengeful howl.


So I've decided to give you the prologue now because I'm nice. :D

Crystal Banks 2 ~Sequel to Crystal Banks~ *DISCONTINUED*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ