Chapter 20

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    I paced the room, "I don't understand, does he have a death wish or something." "Crystal he's just pushing your buttons so you can give in," Derek says sitting on our bed.

  "How can you be so calm about this Hale? That's our son and Finnick just brings these. . . strangers into his life calling them his real parents like he has no right to do that. And if they were really looking for Dylan for 8 and a half years then they would've found him. Dylan is my son I'm not letting anyone take him away from me."

Derek gets off the bed and walks up to me. And I notice my hair was up in flames and my eyes were glowing brightly. "Of course I'm mad at this. Crystal he's our son and I'm not gonna let anything break this family apart. But-" "But what." "Maybe we should let them get to know Dylan I mean they are his birth parents and it would be nice for Dylan to know where he really came from," he says looking away from me.

   Tears prick my eyes, "what if he chooses them?" Derek pulls me into his arms and I begin to cry. Dylan was my son and I never wanted to lose him. Just kill Finnick and all these damn problems will be gone. I need to figure out a way to at least try to take his power without killing him first and I knew the perfect person to help me with that... Scott.

I pulled away from Derek, "maybe I'm overeating. Let's just go to sleep." He frowned before nodding. He turns off the lights and I get into the bed. Derek pulls me close and I burry my head in his chest wanting to cry more. "You know its ok to cry?" "No Derek its not." He sighs and  kisses my head.

"Crystal?" Derek whispers. It was an hour after we had laid down and we both couldn't sleep. "Yeah." "I don't wanna lose our son," Derek growls. Then pulls me into his arms tighter than I was. I lift my head from his chest and kiss his cheek, "we'll work this out."

  "I'm not going anywhere," Dylan says as he walks into our room. He makes his way to the bed and gets between us. "I never thought I would spend the night here again." He says confusing Derek and I. "What?" "I mean I'm almost 9, I should be sleeping in my own bed." "Then why aren't you?" Derek asked. "Because I'm scared they're gonna take me away," Dylan admits before clingy onto me like he used to. I remember how he used to hate when I let other people hold him. I frowned and kissed his hair," no ones taking you anywhere baby." "Your moms right Dil your safe." Derek says grabbing my hand making me relax. Then the door opens again, "mommy, daddy?" Dakota whispers. "Yeah," Derek answered. Dakota looked over a Cole who was holding her hand, "we're scared." Lie, they obviously heard us talking to Dylan. Well at least the bed was a California king. "Come on join the party." They both climbed onto the bed and Dakota laid next to Derek, while Cole made himself comfortable next to me. Taking Dylan's spot. Dylan frowned, "baby come here on this side." I said feeling bad. He climbed over Cole and I and cuddled up on my side before falling asleep. I was drifting off before I felt a warm hand grab onto mines. Derek.

~No ones P.O.V~

  "Ugh Autumn what do you want it's early and I'm tired," Dustin said rubbing his eyes and leaning on Kol. Kol pushed Dustin off him, "its 4 in the morning and you almost woke up Maddie." "And Dylan and the twins," Crystal says laying her head on Dustin's shoulder. Autumn rolls her eyes, " we have a problem." "Do you really think we can talk about our "problems" around Kol... No offense Kol." Dustin said frowning. "Its fine, he's right its not safe with me around." "We need to find a way to get Finnick out of your head," Autumn says before tossing their mother's book towards Crystal. "Read up princess." Crystal rolled her eyes and opened the book before closing it. "Wow, your a fast reader." Dustin says looking at her. She lifted her head and looked sadly at her siblings, "I have to tell you guys something." "What?" They all asked.  "Well, Finnick might possibly be Dustin and I's father." "What?!"

Crystal Banks 2 ~Sequel to Crystal Banks~ *DISCONTINUED*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant