45 - Text Messages

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Text messages between Fcking Dorito Bod and Sexy Seabass

Sexy Seabass
I fucked up

Fcking Dorito Bod
That's normal

Sexy Seabass
This is why I don't like you

Fcking Dorito Bod
You love me
What did you do this time?

Sexy Seabass
I kissed Dana

Fcking Dorito Bod
I don't see the problem

Sexy Seabass
Ok ok
Picture this
Duran Duran is playing on the radio and I'm singing obnoxiously loudly as we wait in the drive-thru line for McDonald's
I ask if I can kiss her
She says yeah
And I kiss her

Fcking Dorito Bod
I still don't see the problem
Sounds like a good time

Sexy Seabass
We had our first kiss whilst listening to Hungry Like The Wolf in a McDonald's queue

Fcking Dorito Bod
I see your point
At least it's memorable
Could be worse
She could've straight up refused to kiss you

Sexy Seabass
But then I told her I didn't regret it and then she kissed me

Fcking Dorito Bod
So really you didn't fuck up at all

Sexy Seabass
Dana probably thinks I'm crazy

Fcking Dorito Bod
I doubt it
Or if she's made it this long whilst spending time with you, she probably knew you were pretty insane already
Not gonna lie

Sexy Seabass
Great boost of my confidence right there
Thank you

Fcking Dorito Bod
You're welcome
But congrats on kissing her dude

Sexy Seabass
You don't sound very enthusiastic

Fcking Dorito Bod
I'm fine
It's not like I've been replaced or anything

Sexy Seabass
Don't encourage them

Fcking Dorito Bod
But you're my best friend
In the cast that is
No offence but I have other friends

Sexy Seabass
You confuse me sometimes

Fcking Dorito Bod
I know

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