The Day Before the First Shot

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Ash's pov:

Sammy was sick for a long time, about a week. It scared me because it lasted so long. On the bright side I didn't have to see my fucking dad. He just makes me want to rip my head off.

It's Saturday and Sammy's finally up and going. We just got back from his therapy where actually he's going to take testosterone soon. He's really excited and I can tell.

"Hey Ash?" He says.

"Yeah?" I answer.

"Is it gonna be weird?" He says.

"What do you mean Sammy?" I ask.

"When I take T?" He says grabbing my hand.

"Not at all, if it makes you happy I'm okay with it." I say kissing his cheek.

He fiddles with the bag with the testosterone in it. He chose to do the needle instead of the patches.

"So you take your first dose when?" I ask.

"Tomorrow. Then I have to take it once a week." He says.

"I have an idea Sammy." I say.

We were just in our room. I grab his hand and my camera and I take him to the music room.

"What is this for Ash?" Sammy asks as I set up a microphone by the piano.

"Sing one song every week you're on T. Then you can see how your voice changes!" I say.

"That's actually a good idea Ash!" He says kissing me on the cheek.

I press record on my camera.

"Go!" I say.

Sammy sings and plays all of "Go the Distance" from Hercules. When he finishes, I hear someone knock on the door. I go to open it.

"What's up fuckers!?" Charlotte yells.

"Hey!" Sammy says.

"We heard Sammy boy over there is gonna start talking T soon!" Raven says.

"Yeah!" Sammy exclaims.

The girls run over to him and hug him.

"The Orphans are gonna have a different sound soon!" Raven says.

"Yeah!" I say.

"Why don't we play a song before my voice changes!?" Sammy says.

"We're down!" The girls say.

We all get our instuments and microphones.

"What song?" I say.

"How about, Dance Dance by Fall Out Boy?" Sammy says.

"Sounds good!" The girls say.

We start playing. Sammy rocks it from start to finish.

"Where's the rock when Sammy is rocking the show!?" I say.

I do the budum tss thing on the drums.

"Please no more shitty jokes!" Raven says.

"Sticks and stones!" I do the joke noise once more.

"Ash, let's sediment-try a new song." Sammy says.

"Oh god please no." Charlotte says.

"But I have a few gems in my rock pun collection." I say.

"Please, god, no!" Raven says.

"These are concrete puns Raven!" Sammy says.

"Ore you girls getting mad yet?" I say.

The girls have bursted out laughing at this point.

"I liked carbon before it was..." Sammy pauses for dramatic effect, "coal!"

"That one hurt Sammy. I think you've lost your... Marble!" I say.

"Oof Ash. That pun almost fluorite over my head!" Sammy says.

The girls have lost their shit at this point with all the puns. Sammy and I decided to keep going.

"Just know, Sammy, that nothing is set in, stone!" I say.

"Gneiss one Ash!" Sammy says.

"Yeah, I saw an add on a store window on the way here from therapy Sammy." I say.

"What did is say Ash?" Sammy asks.

"There was a shale, everything was 50% off!" I say.

"That one was pretty schist!" Sammy says.

"Stop it with the puns!" Raven says.

"Yeah, we get the schist of these jokes guys!" Charlotte says.

We all fall over laughing. It took us at least thirty minutes to stop laughing. Once we were all done laughing, the girls had to leave. Sammy and I go back to our room and go to bed. Today was a great day.

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