10: Part-Ayy

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It all began with an AHHHHH!!!
Hannah, Daphne and I were sitting by the snack bar when we heard a high pitched screaming. Everyone stopped what they were doing, and we all turned to the that the scream...s... had in fact come from two people. Lizzie and Tasfia. Elijah was getting a bit too close to Lizzie, and had in turn scared her while she was reading her book. Tasfia was jumping up and down in joy because Cole Sprouse has just liked one of her comments.
"Alright, y'all. Movie time." Elijah said, moving away from Lizzie and leaving her shook. "Go get settled in yo rooms and meet me in the lobby in half an hour. Don't brush your teeth unless you like the taste of minty food."
We all made our way up the stairs. I had lost Hannah, and was walking up the stairs with my old pal Arthur.
It was a bit awkward because we had liked each other in 6th grade, and stopped liking each other and talking to each other in 7th and 8th grade.
"Hey, Arthur." I said.
"Hi Annabelle."
"Do you sill play Fortnite?"
"Nah. I stopped a long time ago."
"That's cool. I think."
"Ok well, my room is over here." Arthur said when we got to the top of the stairs. "See ya."
Welp, I got another person to avoid tonight. I looked down the long hall and realized that I didn't know what room we're in. Hannah put her hand on my shoulder and showed me the way because she knew the way (sorry).
"I texted Collins earlier and he told me where our room was." Hannah said.
"Are you sure you don't have feelings for him?" I asked her.
"No! Of course not. We're just good friends and partners in crime. Ah, here it is." Hannah knocked on a door in the middle of the hall, and Collins opened the door.
"Oh, hey guys." He said.
"We gotta head downstairs in half an hour to watch a movie." Hannah said, walking in. "Woah.. this place is neat!"
And it was pretty neat. It was almost like a mini apartment. There was a tiny kitchen, a small living room, four beds, a bathroom with a hot-tub in it, and a loft. And a balcony. I walked over to the kitchen first. It had all the essentials you needed for a midnight snack, but not enough to make a full on meal. There was also a bar with some stools so you could eat. The living room was right next to the stools and it had a couch and a chair with a coffee table in front and a flat screen tv. Behind the living room were two sets of beds and next to that, stairs and a bathroom. The bathroom (as I said) had a jacuzzi AND WAS TWO FLOORS.
"Woah, how did Elijah make all this money?" Hannah asked.
"Fortnite live streaming?" I suggested as I opened the bathtub curtains.
"So, who's gonna sleep where?" Collins asked.
"Um, Hannah and I could sleep in the lift and you two could sleep on the bottom." I suggested.
"That sounds like a good idea." Hannah agreed.
"Guys, come looks at this!" Devan waved us over to the balcony where he was standing. It had two double recliners with side tables, a mini fridge with some tropical drinks in it, and a view of Elijah's giant pool and basketball court.  His house was like a square, and the pool and court was in the middle.
"Woah." I said as I stepped outside. "This is amazing! How long are we staying here again!"
"I think the invitation said the reunion ended tomorrow night." Hannah clarified.
"Perfect." Collins said. "That'll give us enough time to see everything! IS THAT A ROLLERCOASTER?!" Collins pointed to all the way behind the house, and at the houses backyard.
"Looks like it." Devan said.
We went back inside and didn't really know what to do for an hour and a half so we all went on our phones and snap chatted.
And hour and a half later, we all went downstairs to the lobby where everyone was. It looked like there were a lot more people than there were before, so I assumed that they were everyone's plus ones. Soon, everyone started walking together down the hall and into a room which was the movie theater. When I saw the name of the movie on the screen I froze.
It? As in... Pennywise? Great.
I hated horror movies, no matter what the circumstance was. If it was the tiniest bit scary, if there were jump scares, or if there was just a lot of gore and death then I did NOT want to watch it.
"Seriously? A horror movie?" I complained.
"I'll protect you." Devan said, holding my hand.
"My hero." I said, in a sarcastic tone. Devan laughed
We all sat down, got our popcorn and drinks handed to us, and waited for the movie to start. Devan suggested that we sit all the way in the back so that it would be less scary for me.
I feel like the scariest part of that time was the fact that Tasfia decided to sit herself next to me.
I decided I might as well talk to her and be polite before the movie started.
"So, Tasfia. What would you do if it meant getting to be with Cole Sprouse?" I asked her.
"Cole Sprouse? Oh. I'd cry tears of lemonade." Tasfia threw some popcorn to her mouth and missed, but still decided to chew the air anyways. "Ooh! The movie's starting."
I wasn't taking any chances with this movie, so I held on thought to Devan with my face half buried in his arm.
Once it was finished, I had made it through all my popcorn and avoided any possible nightmares. I looked at my watch and realized that it was only 4 o'clock. What would we do now?
"Yo! Over here!" Elijah said to all of us. "My pool is open to anyone who wants to take a dip." No one said anything. "You're welcome."
"Thank you." We all said in unison.
Everyone went upstairs into their rooms to change into their bathing suits. Hannah and I had bikinis while Collins and Devan (thankfully) didn't have speedos, but swim trunks.
"Let us go! Onward!" Hannah stretched her arm out and pointed in front of her and she walked out the room.
"Onward!" Collins said, following her lead.
"Ahoy?" I said, running after them. Devan didn't say anything and carried all our stuff out that we had forgotten to take.
Once at the pool, Hannah and I lay out stuff down as Collins and Devan jumped into the pool. We sat down in a recliner and a waiter came over to us and handed us a coconut with a straw in it. We sipped in our drink and spotted Daphne on the other side.
"Potato!!" We called out.
"Frens!" Daphne came running towards us and pulled up a chair. She was wearing a black bathing suit that a cut in the middle but was held together with a bow... if that makes sense. It had a picture of the Dolan Twins on it.
"Isn't this so nice?" Hannah said, taking another sip of her drink.
Soon, three women walked up to us, all wearing super tiny bikinis. There was one with red hair, one with dark brown hair, and one with blonde hair. The blonde one (most likely the leader) kicked my bag over, knocking all my stuff out. My shirt fell into the pool.
"Whoops, sorry." The blonde one said.
"Hey! What's your problem?" I got up and walked over to the pool to grab my soaking wet shirt. I heard the three girls snickering, and I automatically thought they were laughing at my body. I was never fully comfortable with my body, and that's why I barely wore bikinis, but I told myself that they were just jealous cakesniffers and I shouldn't worry about them. I wrung out my shirt and Laura it on my umbrella so it could dry. It was a really hot day.
"Why'd you guys do that?" Daphne asked. Hannah didn't bother to defend me, because she was already fast asleep.
"I know who you are, missy." The blonde one said looking at me.
"I'm sorry? I don't believe we've met. My name is,"
"I DONT CARE WHAT YOUR NAME IS, GURLFRAND." The woman took a deep breath after screaming at me. "I'm Veronica. I'm Arthur's girlfriend. The red head is Buggy and is Brayden's girlfriend, and the brunette is Jaylen and she's Brian's girlfriend."
"Brian got a girlfriend? Ha!" Daphne said, taking a sip of a pineapple drink.
"Also, what kind of a name is Buggy?" I asked.
"My real name is Beatrice but-"
"STOP SOCIALIZING WITH THE ENEMY!!" Veronica screamed at Beatrice.
"Enemy? I'm sorry sweetie, but I've never said a word to you until now." I said, sitting down in my recliner.
"I saw you talking to Arthur before. I saw him smile at you."
"Ok, woah woah woah. I was friends with Arthur. This is a reunion so I'm going to talk to people. And if he has feelings for me then it's not my fault. You better check his loyalty."
"Ugh! Just stay away from him!" Veronica stomped off and Buggy and Jaylen followed her.
"I think Arthur needs to break up with her right now." Daphne laughed.
"Right? Listen, I'm going to join Collins and Devan in the pool." I told her.
"You mean your boyfriend?" Daphne said, looking at me. I blushed and tried to tuck a hair behind my ear but there was nothing there.
"Not technically. Just, let me go. Ok? Talk to Hannah when she wakes up or something." I walked off to the other side of the pool where the stairs were so I could get a slow start in. Before I was able to slowly walk into the pool, Elijah came up to me and put his hand on my back.
"Yo, wassup girl." He said, taking a surprise selfie with me.
"Go away Elijah, I'm not interested." I shoved his hand away and stared at the pool.
"Aw, c'mon, you're so beautiful."
"I know I am, but you're gonna have to control yourself."
"Please? You didn't even ask for anything."
"Look, Daphne's over there. Go hit on her."
"Daphne? Where?" Elijah ran over to where I pointed to. I feel bad giving up Daphne as a sacrifice, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I started making my way into the pool, and it was warm from the heat. Good news for me, because now I didn't have to wait every 5 minutes to go down another step and get used to the cold water. Bad news for everyone else because it was a hot day and they were in hot water.
"ANNA!! OVER HERE!" Collins called. I made my way to under a bridge where Collins and Devan were.
"The water is cooler over here." Devan said, pulling me next to him.
"Guys, let me take a picture of you." Collins said, moving back. "Ok............3.............2................oooonnnneeeeee"
Right when he said one, a huge waterfall of water cane splashing down onto us.
"Haha, I got you!" Devan said, laughing.
"I guess you did." I kissed him on the cheek, leaving him frozen before I jumped on top of him and pushed him into the water.
He did the same.
We kept splashing around until Elijah said that dinner was going to be served in 20 minutes. We all got out of the pool, grabbed our towels, put on our flip flops, and headed inside. As we were walking to the stairs, I heard the chefs in the kitchen talking to each other.
"You gotta have cheez whiz!!" One said.
"Uggh!" Replied the other.
(2018 words right at now 😁 happy 2018 😂)
We got to our room, and we each took turns taking a shower quickly.
Hannah and I put on these flowy, thin dresses that ha spaghetti straps. Collins and Devan just put on a t-shirt and pants because for some reason they never wear shorts.
We were led to a dining area that looked more like a cafe than a dining area. It had glass tables and umbrellas and metal seats and everything, and it was designed to make it look like outside. The roof was glass and there was a cafe painted on one wall, buildings, streets. Trees, sidewalks, and grass were painted on the other three walls, with an occasional painted person. There were even street lamps that were slowly starting to light up as the sun went down. Hannah, Collins, Devan, Daphne and I all sat at a table together. Across from us was Arin, Rahifah, Siya and Tasfia sitting and listening to Tasfia say her 101 Cole Sprouse reasons for the 101st time. We were each handed a menu that had just about any food you could ever imagine.
I ordered a steak and mashed potatoes, Daphne ordered fried chicken and mashed potatoes, Hannah ordered some pasta with shrimp, Collins ordered a seafood soup, and Devan ordered the same as me.
"Elijah's mansion is so cool." Daphne said. Chewing on chicken skin.
"That's what I've been saying!!" Hannah said.
"It's amazing how someone was able to get a house like this." Devan said.
"Honestly, I don't care as long as I get to ride that roller coaster in the backyard." Collins said.
"I saw that too!! It looks amazing." Daphne said.
After all the tables were cleared, we got a choice for dessert. Cheesecake, ice cream, or cookies and brownies. I chose strawberry cheesecake.
Elijah then announced that it was time to dance. All of a sudden, a dance floor appeared in the middle of the room, and a bunch of people started dancing and partying.
"Let's go!" Hannah said. Daphne and Collins followed her. Hannah danced normally while Collins and Daphne kept dabbing.
"Are you gonna join?" Devan asked.
"Nah, I'll just finish my cheesecake and then I'll join."
"Suit yourself."
After about 20 minutes if dancing and cheesecake, slow music turned on. I knew that this was Elijah's way of trying to get a girl, but it wasn't going to work.
"This is the last song of the mighty, so choose your dance partner wisely." He said.
Devan walked over to me and put his hand out. "May I have this dance, malady?"
"Why, of cruise kind sir!" I took his hand, got up, and walked with him over to the dance floor. The moon was over us and the street lamps were fully LIT.
Devan put his hands on my waist and I put one hand on his shoulder and one hand on his chest. We didn't say anything, just looked at each other with our full appreciation for the other person. Towards the end of the song, I put my head on Devans chest and listened to his heartbeat as the music softened.

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