7: Do You Love Me?

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Also if you have any ideas that you would like to see happen or any questions you would like me to answer then just tell me okk byeee hopefully this chapter will cheer you up after the last one :)))))))))

It had been a week since I totally rejected Devan, and we hadn't talked to each other since. Partially because I was still sick, but he didn't even text me or anything! I was already feeling better, and I decided to work up the guts I needed to talk to Devan. I was getting ready when I saw a text from Collins.

Collins: Hey, are you feeling better?

Annabelle: Much better, thank you very much.

Collins: Great. 

Collins: Want to meet me at the park?

Annabelle: That's actually not such a bad idea. I'll see you in a few minutes.

Collins: Ok. Meet me at the bench in the front.

I figured that if I couldn't talk to Devan, then I could at least talk to Collins and see what his take on the whole situation was.

I walked over to the park, but mistakenly entered through the back entrance and not the front like Collins had told me to. It was a nice day and I was feeling better, so I decided to enjoy the walk to the front.

When I was getting closer to the bench, I was greeted with a man with brown hair, not dirty blonde. The man looked over at me, and hit my heart with his blue eyes.

(Devan's POV)

When I woke up this morning, Collins was already gone. I made myself a bagel and sat and watched TV. I still wasn't feeling well after Annabelle rejected me, but I was starting to move on.

I wanted to let go of her, but at the same time I didn't.

I still had feelings for her, but it was clear that she only sees me as a friend so I have to respect that.

I get a text from Collins asking me to meet him at the park, which I found really weird. I agreed to anyway, because I thought getting some fresh air would do me good. He told me to meet him at the bench in the front. I guess I got there early because Collins wasn't at the bench. I sat down and waited for him to come. Soon, I heard footsteps approaching me, and I thought it was Collins. So I looked up, and made eye contact with the same person who had hurt me days before.

(Collins' POV)

Hannah and I were still salty about Annabelle friend-zoning Devan, but we both knew that they were meant to be. I got up early this morning (very big surprise for me) and walked up to Hannah's apartment.

We decided that the only way to get the two of them together was to trick them.

I would text both of them to meet me at the park, but then not actually be there.

It was simple and cliche, but it works.

I think.

(Annabelle's POV)

"Umm, hi Devan." I said awkwardly.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" Devan asked, looking at the ground.

"I'm waiting for Collins. You?"

"I'm... also waiting for Collins. Why?"


"There must've been some mistake, I'll just go now." I turned to leave, but then Devan stopped me.


I turned around, but Devan just shook his head and said, "nevermind." I nodded and walked back to the back entrance of the park. I saw Devan kicking a tree and throwing rocks from the corner of my eye, and something just made me stop.

All of a sudden, I broke into tears. I felt so bad leaving Devan, when it was him who I really wanted. Is it stupid of me to be constantly living in fear? Should I be afraid of my past coming back to happen again?

Or should I take the chance and go for it?

(Hannah's POV)

Collins and I shortly realized that we wanted in on the action. We ran over to the park, and then realized that they might recognized us, so we pulled our hoodies over our heads and walked through the park, past the bench where they were, and then ran into some bushes.

"Wait, is Annabelle... crying?" Collins asked as he peek out from his hood.

"I think so... now shut up, I wanna listen."

(Devan's POV)

I looked up and saw Annabelle running towards me. I also saw two people with tight hoodies over their heads run past us and into some bushes...

Annabelle hugged me and started sobbing a bunch of things. I put my arms around her, and we sat down on the bench.

"I'm so sorry if I ever hurt you. I didn't mean it, I just wasn't ready-"

I put my hands on her chin and lift her face up to look at mine.

"It's ok. Everything's gonna be alright."

Annabelle smiles at me. I know that this is my chance.

I lean in, and I kiss her.

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