3: A Tour of the City

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Collins texted me the next day asking for a favor. He wanted a tour of the city.

This was AMAZING news, because if you never knew...

I frickin LOVE this city.

I've been waiting for the perfect chance to rant to someone about how awesome and amazing NYC is.

The city so nice, they named it twice.

The Big Apple.

The Capital of the World.

The City of Dreams.

The City That Never Sleeps.

The Empire City.


Just SO FRICKIN AMAZING. (That should really be one of the nicknames)


I responded right away, saying that I would love to take them on a tour. I said to meet me downstairs in about 10 minutes, and we'd go from there.

Once downstairs, I asked Collins and Devan to name the top 5 places they REALLY wanted to visit.

"Well... I really would like the see the Statue of Liberty, the World Trade Center, The Empire State Building, Central Park, the Museum of Natural History..." Devan said, ticking off the names on his finger.

"I agree with Devan." Collins said, nodding his head.

"You know, New York City isn't limited to JUST Manhattan, there are FIVE other boroughs. I feel like a lot of people forget that."

"Alright then. What do you suggest?" Devan asked, crossing his arms.

"Well, everything that Devan suggested are must sees. Also, I grew up in Queens, so I would say there. Probably the Unisphere. But there is so much to see, it'll probably take us like a MONTH to thoroughly see everything!" I laughed.

"How about each week we spend a day in a different borough? Starting today with Manhattan." Collins suggested.

"That's actually not such a bad idea." I said, putting my hand to my chin. "Come on, let's go!"


We came up to a street, when Devan pressed the button to try and get the stop light to turn to a walk sign.

"Oh, no honey! No!" I told him, pushing his hand away from the button. "None of those work!."

"Oh!" Devan said, laughing it off. Although I could tell he was a bit embarrased.

"Where are we going first?" Collins asked as we crossed the street.

"I was thinking the One World Observatory, since it's so close."

Once we got to the 100th floor, we walked around to another flight of stairs which qled to the 102nd floor.

"Welcome to the 7th tallest building in the world, and the tallest building in the country!" I said, reaching my arms out to show the boys the view. They didn't respond, because they were completely shook.

"Where's Trump Tower?" Collins asked, running to the window nearest to us.

"Sweetie, that's Queens and Brooklyn." I said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You're gonna want to go to the other side." I pointed to the windows on the other side of the building, and Collins ran in that direction. "GOOD LUCK!" I called after him.

I sat down on a ledge, and Devan sat down next to me.

"So," he said. "Enjoying the view?"

"Yeah," I said, turning my head to face his. But not as much as the view of your eyes. I never noticed until now how georgeous he was. And those eyes... I could get lost in them forever. "But I mean, I've been here so many times." I looked back at the window in front of us. "But it's just so beautiful... it never gets old." I smiled and looked back at him.

Beauty in Numbers: A Collins and Devan Key FanficUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum