9: Reconnected

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I put a picture of Devan because why not 🙂
(Collins's POV)
"Oh, hello!" I said to the woman at the door. She had black hair and a black sweatshirt on. She was kinda pretty.
"O I think I have the wrong apartment." The lady said.
"Who are you looking for?"
"Annabelle Williams."
"Oh. This isn't her apartment, but she's here right now."
"O that's great, can I talk to her?"
"Sure." I walked to the dining room where everyone was siting.
"Annabelle? Someone's here to see you." I pointed to the woman as she waddled into the room.
"DAPHNE?!?!" Annabelle and Hannah said together as they jumped up.
"FRENNSS!!" Daphne walks over to the girls and they all hugged.
"You guys know each other?" Devan asked.
"Of course! We've been potatoes since 7th grade." Annabelle said.
"Yeah, when everyone shipped each other." Hannah added.
"Remember Braydabelle?!" Daphne said.
"Ugh. Remember DELIJAH?!" Annabelle said.
"Omg I hated that. Hannah, remember Harthur?!" Daphne asked Hannah.
"Please don't bring up such a dark day in my past."
"Who's Braydabelle?" Devan asked.
"It was a ship name that we had in 7th grade." Annabelle said. "Don't worry about that, I barely talk to the kid anymore."
"I smell jealousyyy..." I said.
"Yeah, about that." Daphne said.
"About what?" Hannah asked.
"About keeping in touch with people."
"Yeah?" Annabelle said.
"The reason I came is because I wanted to give you this." Daphne reached inside her hoodie and pulled out an invitation. She handed one to Annabelle, and then grabbed another one and gave it to Hannah. "We're having a 7th grade reunion."
"Ugh. Is Elijah going to be there?" Annabelle asked.
"Who's Elijah?" Devan asked with jealousy in his voice.
"This really annoying kid from 7th grade who flirted with everyone." Annabelle said.
"Unfortunately, yes. So far everyone responded and said they were coming. You guys can also bring a second person with you." Daphne said.
"Oh. Ok then." Hannah said. "Annabelle, I assume you'll be takin Devan, so... Collins... wanna be my plus one?"
"Sure! Why not?" Collins said.
"When's the party?" Annabelle asked.
"All the information you need is on the invitation." Daphne said, tapping the envelope. "Welp, I better be going. See ya later litty lit fam fam."
"Bye potato!" Hannah and Annabelle said as Daphne walked out the door.
"Open the envelope!" I said. Hannah and Annabelle sat down as they tore open the envelope. They both quickly scanned it and then looked up at each other.
"Uh oh." Annabelle said looking back down at the invitation.

(Devan's POV)
"Uh oh." Annabelle said.
"What? What's wrong? What happened?" I asked, leaning over her shoulder.
"It's a sleepover." Hannah said.
"At Elijah's mansion." Annabelle added.
"Devan, honey. There's nothing to worry about. I didn't like him and I never will. I have you." Annabelle hugged my arm and smiled up at me.
"And everyone from your 7th grade class is going to be there! Plus their plus ones?" Collins asked.
"Well, looking at how they were in 7th grade I doubt they've found anyone special." Hannah said.
"When's the party?" Devan asked.
"Next week. And we all get our own rooms, which is nice." Annabelle read from the paper.
"This is strange. Out of all the people to be the most successful, I did not expect Elijah to be one of them." Hannah said.
"Welp, he made it." Annabelle said. "And he now has a three story mansion with over 30 rooms so we shouldn't complain."
"I heard he has a movie theater and pool and this outdoor garden area." Hannah said.
"Looks like we're gonna be doing a lot of snooping."
(Annabelle's POV)
It was time for the sleepover reunion to start. We had to go all the way to New Jersey, so we piled our book bags in the trunk and ourselves in the car. Hannah drove with Collins in the passenger seat, and Devan and I sat in the back. At one point I remember I was very tired, and I guess I fell asleep, because the next thing I know I wake up with my head on Devans shoulder.
"Hey, sleepy head. We're here." Devan said.
"Oh. Sorry if I slobbered on you." I wiped Devans shoulder and left the car, leaving him is confusion.
I looked up at the house and was absolutely amazed. It sounded like the party already started. Because there were looks noises coming from inside.
"Better get our stuff in." Hannah said. We all grabbed our book bags because there wasn't much needed for a one night sleepover and walked inside. There was a name list and everything!!
"Names." The security guard said once we got inside. I tread his badge on his chest Bob. Hm.
"Annabelle Williams." I said. "And this is my plus one, Devan Key." The security guard flipped a page on his clipboard and checked something, then scribbled another thing down.
"My name is Hannah. Hannah Oliver. And my plus one is Collins Key." The security guard did the same thing he did with me, and let us go in. Once I walked in, I spotted Daphne.
"POTATO!" I yelled.
"FRENS!" She yelled back. She came waddling towards us and gave us a big hug. "So glad you could make it. Just check in with that guy by the stairs to get your rooms."
I realized just then that I was so excited I hadn't even gotten to take a look at the house.
We had just passed through an entry way where we signed in. After that, we walk into a hall with a chandelier hanging on the top, and two big marble staircases on both sides. There was a guard standing on one side. We walked over there and signed in.
"Collins and I will go up to our room, you guys can go party." Devan said.
"You sure you don't want to come?" I asked.
"Nah. This is your time. Well probably come down later for the food and movie." Collins told us.
"Ok." Hannah grabbed our bookbags and shoved them into Collins' and Devan's arms. "See ya."
I followed Hannah and Daphne through a long hall  before we reached a room. It was strange, because we were able to hear the noise on the outside, but not the inside. Turns out the house was soundproof except for the party room.
"Everyone's in here. Go say hi I guess." Daphne then left us and ran to the snack bar.
Hannah and I walked in and were immediately stopped by Tasfia, Arin, Rahifah, and Siya. Hannah and I liked Arin, Rahifah and Siya, but we didn't exactly feel the same way about Tasfia.
"Hey guys!" Tasfia practically yelled. "I was just telling these girls why Cole Sprouse is the best person ever!!"
The three girls looked at me with sad eyes.
"She's come up with 101 reasons so far." Arin said, sadly.
"She didn't let us eat anything." Rahifah said. She looks really tired.
"Please please save us." Siya said.
"Omg guys!! I just came up with a 102nd reason!!" Tasfia said. "He-"
"Wassup ladies?" Elijah said, putting his arms around Arin and me. For once, I was glad to see Elijah.
"Hey Elijah. Nice house, by the way." Hannah said.
"ELIJAH!" Daphne yelled from the snack table. "WE NEED MORE GUAC!!"
"Yo Daphne! I got chu!" Elijah turned to where his friends Zaire and Ariana was. "YO Z! GET MORE GUAC!" Elijah turned back to us, but we were already gone. I continued lookin around the room and I saw Brayden.
"Hey Brayden."
"Hey Annabelle."
I kept walking until I saw my friend Lizzie. She was somehow reading a book with all this noise. I walked up to her and waved my arms around. I yelled her name over and over again. I snapped in her ear. LITERALLY NOTHING WORKED!!" I grabbed the book out of her hand, saving her spot with my finger.
"HEY!! Oh hi Annabelle." Lizzie said, looking up.
"Lizzie, Lizzie. Lizzie. Always reading." I handed the book back to her and Lizzie kept it on her lap. "How do you read in these circumstances anyways?"
"I can read anywhere if I really want to." She said.
"Ok then. I'll leave you to be." I walked away to see who else I could find. I turned back to look at Lizzie. And found Elijah sitting in the chair next to her, trying to read a book that was upside down. I guess he was trying to "impress" her.
I kept walking around until I got to the other side of the room. There, I saw Samuel, Thomas, RJ and Kento all engaging in some sort of battle. I decided to stay away from them as much as I could, because they were weird if I'm I'm being completely honest with you. Soon enough, Hannah came running over to me.
"Hannah, what happened?" I asked her.
"Tasfia was restating her Cole Sprouse reasons. We all managed to get away before she noticed." Hannah soon regained her breath, and then suggested we continued to walk around. We saw Gabrielle, Kenisha and Sarah standing together in a corner. We passed by them. Sarah waved hi to us. I waved back, but Hannah just ignored her.
"Hannah!" I scolded her. "Please don't tell me you're still mad at Sarah. After all these years?"
Back in 7th grade, Hannah Sarah and I were best friends. But Sarah had the tendency to... lie. A lot.
She had sent us a blurry video of someone dancing, claiming it was her. She did the same with recordings of a song, saying that it was her singing a cover of it, or it was her who wrote the song. Hannah and I fell for it until Hannah eventually found the videos and songs on YouTube. We confronted Sarah and she denied everything and eventually gave in and tried to make us feel sorry for her by saying stuff like "I'm a bad friend" and "you don't deserve me." I forgave her, but Hannah still needed some more time. Sarah continued to lie, and after we parted in high school I wouldn't think Hannah was still mad at Sarah.
"Of course I am. She made a huge mistake and tried to play it off as nothing." Hannah said.
"Whatever. Let's just get some food."
Hannah and I joined Daphne at the snack bar when we heard the scream.

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