In the end he got his black with no sugar coffee and calmed down straight away. She offered the rest of the brothers something to drink as well in fear they might do the same. So Arthur and Dylan has some tea and Connor had a milky coffee. The rest of the morning was pretty much like the night just in reverse...

The first thing that hit them when they got off the plane was the heat, it felt like they had landed in a desert compared to the temperature back home. It just gave Connor something to complain about and Arthur something to groan about.


Now they were standing, someplace in America, near the sea. Waiting for a taxi...

Connor had wondered off to find the bathroom and Dylan went to do a currency exchange to pay for the taxi. Arthur was left looking after the bags and Allistor was having a good old smoke (he had lit a cigarette as soon as they left the building).

Suddenly a thought dawned upon Arthur. "Allistor, I've been dragged all the way here but I still don't know where we're staying..." The younger man said looking up at his brother, Allistor puffed out some smoke and chuckled, "Well laddy, we're staying near the sea! At a caravan park, though we'll be staying in a mobile home." He responded ruffling Arthur's blonde hair. "Should be a pretty nice one! I checked the website and it said it's a very diverse place, people from all around go. They have a pool, restaurant and café, activities club and more. Should be a nice get away." This just made Arthur moan he was not really looking forward to it.


When all the brothers were back together and the taxi arrived, Allistor stomped out his cigar.

They put their luggage in the back and  now where standing in front of the taxi.

"So... How are we going to do this?" Connor questioned getting a weird look from Dylan and Allistor, "He means where are we going to sit you bloody wankers! Get your minds out of the gutter..." Arthur snapped.

"If we don't all fit, Artie can sit on my lap.~", Allistor said smirking at Arthur who turned red, "I AM NOT sitting on anyone's lap, Allistor!" He grumbled. "But you used to love sitting on my lap when we were children!" Allistor complained, whining like a kid. "No I–!" Arthur was about to respond when Dylan cut him off not wanting them to fight, "Let's just get in. We can't miss our check in time, or we'll be in trouble! Now Allistor since you're the eldest you should sit at the front, and Arthur since you're the youngest you should sit at the back in-between me and Connor! Okay?" He could be very commanding when he needed to be, and nobody objected to his orders as they all climbed in.

Allistor gave the cabbie or now know as 'taxi driver' the address and they were off.

Surprisingly the first bit drive there was pretty quiet, only sound that could be heard was the radio which had a very annoying American accent. That was until it started playing 'Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus'. Allistor grumbled, this really wasn't his type of music, as for Arthur his taste in music had changed dramatically from his 'punk phase' and started lip syncing to the song.

By the time they pulled up to their stop all the boys were singing and doing the moves.

So I put my hands up
They're playing my song,
And the butterflies fly away
Noddin' my head like, yeah
Movin' my hips like, yeah
I got my hands up,
They're playin' my song
You know I'm gonna be okay
Yeah, it's a party in the USA, at this point Connor, Dylan and Arthur had realised they had stopped, so stopped singing. As for Allistor he sang out with all his might in a very Scottish accent the last line:
Yeeeaaah it's a party in the USA!
And with realising this he flushed bright red, going the colour of his hair as his brothers laughed. "I thought you didn't like this song, Allistor?!" Arthur sniggered teasingly, "I prefer the cover by 'Life on Repeat'..." he grumbled, "NOBODY EVER MENTION THIS AGAIN!" Allistor bellowed as they got out the car, Connor chuckled "What happens in the taxi stays in the taxi."

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