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Why hello there! So, I've recently been getting a bit nostalgic and I thought 'well why don't I check my old wattpad!' and I realized I'm still getting followers even though I haven't updated since November of 2016? Yikes, guys, my writing was so bad back then. But anyway, I thought that since I was still getting followers I should give my minor amount of readers a bit of closure? So, here we go!

-Alright tbh I don't like Dan and Phil that much anymore. Like I still avidly watch their videos (mostly their sims series. Deven forever lmao) My interests have shifted a lot in the 1~ year since I've posted.

-I've finally accepted the fact that I am, in fact, a huge ass theatre nerd and I'm proud of it! I listen to multitudes of musicals now and I never shut up about them lmaooo (Especially now since there's an off-broadway revival of Be More Chill now??? ANd there's a bunch of OG cast members and I????? AHHHH????)

-Okay, this one's gonna get a bit depressing and long. The last time I posted I was very, very depressed. I was having a really hard time with life and I was so unhappy with everything. At that time, I was dealing with a borderline abusive best friend, severe anxiety, the fear of losing all my friends, self-esteem so bad I wanted to wear a bag on my face, etc etc. I was in a very very bad place mentally and it was so unhealthy. I wanted to die, honestly and genuinely. I remember how scared of everything I was and it's just,,, horrible. I am proud to say that I am now in a better place. I am so much happier now, I'm surrounded by people who love me for I am and accept me and my dumb personality and it's so freeing. I couldn't even begin to describe how good it feels to be happy again. Yeah I still have depressive episodes and my anxiety sucks ass, but I'm being referred to a psychiatrist and I'm getting help.

-I'm transgender. I am proud and (online at least) very open about it. So yeah, that's kinda an important point of my life. It's really nice to know that I'm not broken and that it's okay to be trans. My name is Tobi and no one can tell me otherwise :)

-As I mentioned before, my self-esteem was shit the last time I posted. I feel a lot better about myself now! Most days I am happy with how I look!!

I guess what I'm trying to say with all of this is that things get better. No, my life isn't perfect right now, I still have my ups and downs and I still have a lot to work on, but I've improved so much. If you're dealing with shit and everything feels hopeless, know that things get better. 

And now, some pictures of me because you guys deserve to see the real me!

And now, some pictures of me because you guys deserve to see the real me!

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I am Tobi, and I am proud of me

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I am Tobi, and I am proud of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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