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Being a girl sucks alright.

Like seriously, I can't spend my money on what I want. All my money goes to Bras for these milk bags on my chest and pads for my unwanted monthly subscription to lucifers waterfall. I never have money for lunch because of this, which is never good. Especially since I get low blood sugar quite easily.

Also, people think that boobs are like pillows. No, you're wrong. They hurt like fucking hell if you lay on them. If you get punched in the boobs, it hurts so much like seriously. Plus they're kinda useless to me because I plan on adopting and giving my child formula.

Then there's this thing called a period. "what's so bad about a period" you may ask. For starters,  there are cramps. If you've ever had a leg cramp super bad, just imagine that in your lower stomach. If you've never had a leg cramp, it's basically like someone stabbing you and punching you at the same time. In the stomach. repeatedly. There is also a horrific headache along with the cramps. The headache you get is like someone hitting your head with a cement brick. Then there is blood pouring out of you. If you start your period in the middle of the night, and you're not prepared? Say goodbye to your underwear, pants, and bed sheets. I actually have to sleep with a black blanket under me just in case. this part depends on the girl, but for me, I'm always starving when I'm on my period. I eat like I'm a bear going into hibernation. I have to deal with this shit every month until I'm 55. Sometimes at the beginning (Until like age 20) your period is inconsistent, and it happens twice in one month, but then skips the next month.

Lastly, I literally have the dress code of a nun.

Now I will work on vibrant colors// Phan Bye

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