~Update on my life~

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Okay so I haven't really truly updated in a while, so here we go.

1. I got a keyboard yesterday and I'm teaching myself black parade because I am emo scum

2.I think that I might actually die I have been so tired lately and had like no motivation to write or do school work. I mean, I do it anyways bc life, and I write (Sometimes) for you guys. I have just been feeling so done lately, and I think my friends are starting to notice. People think I'm sad, and I tell them I'm just tired, but I don't think they believe me.

3. I actually have some ideas for my Phanfiction just saying. I'll write them on Saturday probably

4.I have been so damn stressed lately. I found a thing on my phone that measured my stress level... its high. Very high. I don't even understand why.

5. The only thing keeping me sane right now is reading.

this is just a short (Always so short Toby wtf?) update on my life right now, and why I'm not updating. Also, thanks for 200 reads! That's so cool!

And sorry if my grammar is shit rn I just don't care atm. I'm so freaking tired. I should probably go to bed, but I haven't really been able to sleep. Like, I'll be exhausted and I'll hop into bed, and suddenly I'm wide awake and I keep waking up in the middle of the night for long periods at a time. What is happening to me??

Anyways, back to another sleepless night and stress filled school day.

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