Chapter Thirty-Eight: Time Heals

Start from the beginning

It was a mesmerizing evening the sun was setting in and the sky was beautifully decorated with bright colors. We cuddled under a blanket as I laid my head against his chest. Both of us quite while admiring the beautiful amazing view that was surrounding us. I took in a deep breath and yawned. After eating some of my Mother's cheesecake bites and Jakes homemade delicious spaghetti I felt stuffed and tired. I heard him chuckle a bit while he heard me yawn. He playfully grabbed my hand and caressed his fingers against mine.

Jazmin- Jake..Can I ask you something?

Jake- Anything baby..

Jazmin- When will I finally get to meet your folks?..

Jake- Jazmin not this again..

Jazmin- You don't want me to meet them and you won't talk about them either...Jake this has always been a problem between you and I...

Jake- It's just..

Jazmin- *Rolls Eyes...Let me guess complicated...

Jake- Okay look I wasn't going to tell you now but since you insist with bringing up this subject..I'll just tell you..After we leave prom I will take you to my home and introduce you to my family..

I immediately turned my look to meet his face as he looked back at me with promising eyes. "Do you really mean it!?" I asked with excitement.

Jake- I really do baby.

Jazmin- I can't believe I'm finally going to meet your family...You have no idea how much this means to me...I was starting to think..Never-mind..

Jake- Say it..

Jazmin- I don't want too..

Jake- That I was embarrassed of you?..

Jazmin- Well...

Jake- After everything we've been through I thought by now you would be certain of all the love I have for you..

He stood up and walked over to the pond. Jake always seemed to avoid confrontations with me. Every time we were close to getting into an argument or he was upset over something he would walk away from me to cool down. No matter what he always avoided a big fight between us. He wouldn't last a day without trying to fix things between us even if it was my fault. I guess deep down he was afraid of losing me again. I walked over to him and leaned my head against his back while I hugged him from the waist. I felt him take a deep breath and then he turned around to face me. He hugged me back and kissed my forehead.

Jake- I love you so much Jazmin.

Jazmin- I love you too Jake.

Jake- What?..Did I hear correctly?

Jazmin- Haha...Yes silly...You heard right.

Jake- You gotta tell me again..I didn't hear you clearly.. 

Jazmin- Oh I see...You want me to shout it out? Okay...I LOVE YOU JAKE BER-

His lips suddenly silenced mine as we kissed passionately. It had taken Jake by surprise to hear me say the L word back. I wasn't aware myself I held that type of feeling for him. I knew I cared about him and loved him too but not enough to actually say it to him. Until now. I was starting to love again. Without breaking our kiss we laid back down on the grass. His hands slowly ran down my chest then down to my thighs. His kisses were so tender and smooth I could've kissed him for hours and not want to stop. I wrapped my arms around his neck as our kiss got a little more intense. He unbuttoned my blouse while his lips moved to my neck.

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