A Letter to a Lost Lover

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Dear K.C.,

It’s been a year and six months since we split up and I last had the pleasure of seeing your petite face or hearing the enchanting sound that is your voice. There are so many questions I’d like to ask of you that I simply don’t know where to begin; I don’t even know if you’d bother reading this, let alone reply to me.

I guess the most important question is: do you still remember me?

Do you think of me - at least time from time - with a smile on your face?

I know I remember you and I think of you but not always with a smile.

I can’t help the sense of loss that overtakes me each time I remember the sweet cherry blossom scent of your skin or how your long, sunny blonde hair covered your face once you fell asleep beside me; how those pink lips of yours would open slightly and your gentle hands would always be tucked underneath your head. You looked so peaceful in your sleep; nothing like the little flirty devil you turned into the moment you woke up. As soon as you did that, your eyes would shine mischievously and that smirk – the one that made my heart beat faster – that cocky smirk would appear and I’d know you were up to something that would get us both in trouble.

But I’d follow you into trouble; I’d follow you anywhere.

We’d walk out of the motel and get into my car. Being on the road felt lonely until I met you. But once you took your place in my passenger seat, I felt that even when I was driving in no particular direction, I’d never be lost because you were there.

You’d turn on the radio and you’d pick the girlies of songs. At first I’d be annoyed – you know I don’t enjoy such music – but then you’d sing and the lilt of your melodic voice would make me forget my irritation, would even make me want to sing along. But I would not do that; I’d never wish to ruin your performance with my gruff tone.

We’d drive past a diner and we’d stop to have some lunch. You’d flirt with the boy who makes our meal just to make me jealous. I’d hate that about you but your little trick would always work; it would make me want to hold your body closer to mine; each time you threatened to leave me for someone else brought the need to narrow the distance between us.

We’d drive without a destination and when night found us on the road, we’d cuddle on the back seat. So many nights, legs tangled tight, we’d fall asleep in each other’s arms.

But the summer ended and you left me.

When I picked you hitchhiking and you offered to spend your vacation traveling with me, I knew that once September came, I’d be on my own again.

So why didn’t I say no to you?

Why didn’t I drive you to the nearest town and leave you there?

I looked at your face and saw the cocky smirk; I found the naughty flame in your hazel eyes irresistible. I agreed to take you with me, I agreed to drive us somewhere, anywhere not just for the fun of the ride but for the privilege to be in your presence even if it was just for a little longer. I was postponing the inevitable but I could not help myself; everywhere was abeautiful somewhere as long as we were together.

It brings me great sorrow to know that I can never go back to that summer with you. I close my eyes and try not to cry while I'm falling into memories of you and things we used to do. I wish that you could follow me to a place that I can share these memories with you once more.

I’ll never forget you, K.C.

With Love and Sorrow but with no Regret,

Forever Your Admirer



A/N: This is a little different from what I usually write but I hope you’ll still enjoy it.

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