Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

It turned out that it wasn’t until the next morning till Harry would be released. After reviewing all the witness statements from me and his siblings the officers agreed Harry was at no fault, he was protecting himself and his family rightfully.

I was forced to go home after Officer Danforth told me that there was no way he would be released tonight. My mother painstakingly had to pull me out of the police station. I never got to see Lucy, Finn or Tobias again that night but I was told after my mother called for the 10th time that night that they were safe and in a foster home for the night.

The night was a sleepless one, my mind was racing from the thought of testifying and my body was still high on the adrenaline that had kicked in when I had entered Harry’s house. When I returned to the police station in the morning against my mother’s wishes I was running purely on the idea of seeing Harry again.

The police station was much quieter now than it had been the night before. Only a few cops milled around the station and sat at their desks. The air was cool and dry and with every breath I took burned my lungs. I had no clue what Harry was going to say when he saw me.

“Miss, can I help you?” a young woman asked.

I had entered the police station and frozen in the door way so clearly I looked out of place and lost.

“I’m looking for Harry Styles,” I signed not looking at the girl.

The girl paused for a moment then looked around in a panic, “I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

Her words glossed over my mind never fully being comprehended. Looking down at my shaking hands I signed again.

“Harry,” I signed my eyes glazing over, “I need to see Harry Styles.”

The woman stammered spattering out words that I didn’t even try and listen to. They were just buzzing in the background of my screaming mind. The woman was a blur as I looked around the police station for him. For his messy mop of curly hair, for his deep green eyes, for his pale skin covered in tattoos, for his lean body and fluid walk, for all of the things that made him, him.

To the bitter core of my soul I could feel myself shaking, out of nervousness and out of lack of sleep. My body buzzed and my mind raced. I couldn’t seem to focus on this world because I was in another. I was in a dream land.

That’s when I heard it, a simple voice that broke through all the layers of my consciousness with a single word, a single utterance.


He stood across the police station, his matted hair, his deep green eyes, his pale skin, his lean body, all of him stood across from me.

“Genevieve,” he spoke again rushing towards me, I was completely enveloped in arms. His familiar smell rushed over me and his arms wrapped around me pulling his body against mine. “You’re here.” His voice was a whisper.

Pulling away from him I froze. His forearm was bandaged and a large bruise found its home on his face from where his mother had slapped him repetitively.

“Are you okay?” I signed my hands and body still shaking.

Harry smiled softly and took hold of my hand, “I’m fine, and are you okay?”

I nodded slowly and let Harry guide me to the room where Officer Danforth had spoken to my mother and I about the soon to be trial.

“Please, sit down.” He muttered guiding me to the couch.

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