You and I

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Hey ok so this is my first fanfic so ya.
Hope your like it!


dani's pov:

Hey what's up I'm Dani! And let me tell you a little about myself... I have red hair, you may or may not know me from YouTube, I'm around 5'3 ( I know I'm short). I'm 16 years old. I do dance,volleyball, and basketball. I love to sing that's mainly why I have a YouTube channel. And for my YouTube I guess you could say I'm popular on there...if you would consider 3 million subscribers popular. And I just moved like 3 years ago and to my luck I moved right next to Nash Grier, and I've never really seen him in real life but I have watched his vines and YouTube videos and he's really funny. But um right now I have a volleyball game so I have to go to that!

-volleyball game-

Right now I'm sitting out, I just did a really weird dive backwards and my back is so messed up right now and let me tell you it hurts like bitch. And for volleyball we wear spandex and so mangy guys are at this game, and 5 of them called me hot...

Oh my fucking god my back hurts!

Ugh time to go back to the game, thank god we only have like 10 minutes left in the game!

Praise lord jesus!

Nash's pov:

Hey! I'm Nash you most likely know who I am, so I'm not going to explain that. But right now I'm a volleyball game with some friends. You know who they are cameron, Hayes, and Matt. Ok but there is this super hot girl sitting on the bleachers and wait no she just got up to play. Damn I need to talk to her.

"Hey cameron?"

"Ya what's up?"

"Ok, do you see that really hot girl with the red hair, she is in the back row, in the middle."

"Oh ya! Zayum she is fine, and look at her ass! Damn she is smoking!"

"Ya, ya whatever but at the end of the game I want to go talk to her? Should i?"

"Ya man! Totally you should go. There is only like two minutes left in the game just make sure you don't loose her."

"thanks cam!"

-end of convo-

Dani's pov:


I swear that was the longest game known to human kind.

Ugh I want to go home and just sleep, for the rest of my life.

Nash: " hey!"
I turn around and see nash Grier right there.

Me:" um hey! What's up?"

Nash:" um I just was wondering if you wanted to like hang out sometime?"

Me:" ya! That would be awesome! Here put your number in my phone."

Nash:" ok, here put yours in mine."

Me:" ok here, I'm dani by the way."

Nash:"I'm nash."

Me:" ya I know who you are, not to seem like a stalker or anything but you live like right next to me..."

Nash:" well if you live next to me at least let me give you a ride home?"

Me:" oh wait are you sure I don't want to seem like a bother"

Nash:" don't sorry about it your fine, just let me tell my friends that I'm taking you home.

Me:" ok, I have to go get my bag, so I'll meet you out front?"

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